Results for: "tally"

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Delete tuples which dead tuples from the TupleBag, returning the deleted tuples.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Return true if this spec can require file.

The full path to the gem (install path + full name).

Full paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is activated.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Checks the permissions of the credentials file. If they are not 0600 an error message is displayed and RubyGems aborts.

Builds Marshal quick index gemspecs.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 1429