Results for: "strip"

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True if the requested gem has already been installed.

Return the Specification that listed the dependency

Installing a git gem only involves building the extensions and generating the executables.

This is a null install as this specification is already installed. options are ignored.

This is a null install as a locked specification is considered installed. options are ignored.

Installs this specification using the Gem::Installer options. The install method yields a Gem::Installer instance, which indicates the gem will be installed, or nil, which indicates the gem is already installed.

After installation spec is updated to point to the just-installed specification.

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This is a null install as this gem was unpacked into a directory. options are ignored.

Make sure the trust directory exists. If it does exist, make sure it’s actually a directory. If not, then create it with the appropriate permissions.

Returns all the FormData as an Array

Registers a new timeout handler


Timeout in seconds


Exception to raise when timeout elapsed

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Like Enumerable#zip, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated. However, if a block is given to zip, values are enumerated immediately.

Return the length of the hash value in bytes.

Get the underlying pointer for ruby object val and return it as a Fiddle::Pointer object.

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Generates a random prime number of bit length bits. If safe is set to true, generates a safe prime. If add is specified, generates a prime that fulfills condition p % add = rem.


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Returns the output size of the digest, i.e. the length in bytes of the final message digest result.


digest =
puts digest.digest_length # => 20

Sends the given command to this engine.

Raises an EngineError if the command fails.

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No documentation available
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