Results for: "tally"

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Opens a POP3 session, attempts authentication, and quits.

This method raises POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.

Example: normal POP3

Net::POP3.auth_only('', 110,
                    'YourAccount', 'YourPassword')

Example: APOP

Net::POP3.auth_only('', 110,
                    'YourAccount', 'YourPassword', true)

Starts a pop3 session, attempts authentication, and quits. This method must not be called while POP3 session is opened. This method raises POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.

true if server advertises STARTTLS. You cannot get valid value before opening SMTP session.

true if this object uses STARTTLS when server advertises STARTTLS.

Enables SMTP/TLS (STARTTLS) for this object. context is a OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext object.

Disables SMTP/TLS (STARTTLS) for this object. Must be called before the connection is established to have any effect.

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Sym#nullable?, Rule#nullable?

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