Results for: "tally"

Gets the value of key from the given section

Given the following configurating file being loaded:

config = OpenSSL::Config.load('foo.cnf')
  #=> #<OpenSSL::Config sections=["default"]>
puts config.to_s
  #=> [ default ]
  #   foo=bar

You can get a specific value from the config if you know the section and key like so:

  #=> "bar"

Set the target key with a given value under a specific section.

Given the following configurating file being loaded:

config = OpenSSL::Config.load('foo.cnf')
  #=> #<OpenSSL::Config sections=["default"]>
puts config.to_s
  #=> [ default ]
  #   foo=bar

You can set the value of foo under the default section to a new value:

config.add_value('default', 'foo', 'buzz')
  #=> "buzz"
puts config.to_s
  #=> [ default ]
  #   foo=buzz
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Emit a scalar with value and tag

Called with encoding when the YAML stream starts. This method is called once per stream. A stream may contain multiple documents.

See the constants in Psych::Parser for the possible values of encoding.

Called when the document starts with the declared version, tag_directives, if the document is implicit.

version will be an array of integers indicating the YAML version being dealt with, tag_directives is a list of tuples indicating the prefix and suffix of each tag, and implicit is a boolean indicating whether the document is started implicitly.


Given the following YAML:

%YAML 1.1
%TAG !,2009:
--- !squee

The parameters for start_document must be this:

version         # => [1, 1]
tag_directives  # => [["!", ",2009:"]]
implicit        # => false

Called when a sequence is started.

anchor is the anchor associated with the sequence or nil. tag is the tag associated with the sequence or nil. implicit a boolean indicating whether or not the sequence was implicitly started. style is an integer indicating the list style.

See the constants in Psych::Nodes::Sequence for the possible values of style.


Here is a YAML document that exercises most of the possible ways this method can be called:

- !!seq [
- &pewpew
  - b

The above YAML document consists of three lists, an outer list that contains two inner lists. Here is a matrix of the parameters sent to represent these lists:

# anchor    tag                       implicit  style
[nil,       nil,                      true,     1     ]
[nil,       ",2002:seq",  false,    2     ]
["pewpew",  nil,                      true,     1     ]

Called when a map starts.

anchor is the anchor associated with the map or nil. tag is the tag associated with the map or nil. implicit is a boolean indicating whether or not the map was implicitly started. style is an integer indicating the mapping style.

See the constants in Psych::Nodes::Mapping for the possible values of style.


Here is a YAML document that exercises most of the possible ways this method can be called:

k: !!map { hello: world }
v: &pewpew
  hello: world

The above YAML document consists of three maps, an outer map that contains two inner maps. Below is a matrix of the parameters sent in order to represent these three maps:

# anchor    tag                       implicit  style
[nil,       nil,                      true,     1     ]
[nil,       ",2002:map",  false,    2     ]
["pewpew",  nil,                      true,     1     ]

Handles start_document events with version, tag_directives, and implicit styling.

See Psych::Handler#start_document

No documentation available

Start a stream emission with encoding

See Psych::Handler#start_stream

Start a document emission with YAML version, tags, and an implicit start.

See Psych::Handler#start_document

Start emitting a sequence with anchor, a tag, implicit sequence start and end, along with style.

See Psych::Handler#start_sequence

Start emitting a YAML map with anchor, tag, an implicit start and end, and style.

See Psych::Handler#start_mapping


Guesses the type of the data which have been inputed into the stream. The returned value is either BINARY, ASCII, or UNKNOWN.

Duplicates the deflate stream.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Returns true if stat is readable by the real user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").readable_real?   #=> true

If stat is writable by others, returns an integer representing the file permission bits of stat. Returns nil otherwise. The meaning of the bits is platform dependent; on Unix systems, see stat(2).

m = File.stat("/tmp").world_writable?         #=> 511
sprintf("%o", m)                              #=> "777"
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