Results for: "strip"

Returns the status (STAT command).


when stat is invoked with pathname as a parameter it acts like list but a lot faster and over the same tcp session.

Posts data to the specified URI object.


require 'net/http'
require 'uri' URI(''),
               { "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }.to_json,
               "Content-Type" => "application/json"

Creates a new Net::HTTP object, then additionally opens the TCP connection and HTTP session.

Arguments are the following:


hostname or IP address of the server


port of the server


address of proxy


port of proxy


user of proxy


pass of proxy


optional hash

opt sets following values by its accessor. The keys are ipaddr, ca_file, ca_path, cert, cert_store, ciphers, close_on_empty_response, key, open_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout, ssl_timeout, ssl_version, use_ssl, verify_callback, verify_depth and verify_mode. If you set :use_ssl as true, you can use https and default value of verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.

If the optional block is given, the newly created Net::HTTP object is passed to it and closed when the block finishes. In this case, the return value of this method is the return value of the block. If no block is given, the return value of this method is the newly created Net::HTTP object itself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion using the finish() method.

The IP address to connect to/used to connect to

Set the IP address to connect to

Returns true if the HTTP session has been started.

Opens a TCP connection and HTTP session.

When this method is called with a block, it passes the Net::HTTP object to the block, and closes the TCP connection and HTTP session after the block has been executed.

When called with a block, it returns the return value of the block; otherwise, it returns self.

Posts data (must be a String) to path. header must be a Hash like { ‘Accept’ => ‘/’, … }.

This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.

If called with a block, yields each fragment of the entity body in turn as a string as it is read from the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response object will not contain a (meaningful) body.

dest argument is obsolete. It still works but you must not use it.

This method never raises exception.

response ='/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo')

# using block'result.txt', 'w') {|f|'/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo') do |str|
    f.write str

You should set Content-Type: header field for POST. If no Content-Type: field given, this method uses “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” by default.

Sends a TRACE request to the path and gets a response, as an HTTPResponse object.

Sends an HTTPRequest object req to the HTTP server.

If req is a Net::HTTP::Post or Net::HTTP::Put request containing data, the data is also sent. Providing data for a Net::HTTP::Head or Net::HTTP::Get request results in an ArgumentError.

Returns an HTTPResponse object.

When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block. The body of the response will not have been read yet; the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.

This method never raises Net::* exceptions.

No documentation available

Sends a STARTTLS command to start TLS session.

Sends a SUBSCRIBE command to add the specified mailbox name to the server’s set of “active” or “subscribed” mailboxes as returned by lsub().

A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if mailbox cannot be subscribed to; for instance, because it does not exist.

Sends a UNSUBSCRIBE command to remove the specified mailbox name from the server’s set of “active” or “subscribed” mailboxes.

A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if mailbox cannot be unsubscribed from; for instance, because the client is not currently subscribed to it.

Sends a LIST command, and returns a subset of names from the complete set of all names available to the client. refname provides a context (for instance, a base directory in a directory-based mailbox hierarchy). mailbox specifies a mailbox or (via wildcards) mailboxes under that context. Two wildcards may be used in mailbox: ‘*’, which matches all characters including the hierarchy delimiter (for instance, ‘/’ on a UNIX-hosted directory-based mailbox hierarchy); and ‘%’, which matches all characters except the hierarchy delimiter.

If refname is empty, mailbox is used directly to determine which mailboxes to match. If mailbox is empty, the root name of refname and the hierarchy delimiter are returned.

The return value is an array of Net::IMAP::MailboxList. For example:

p imap.list("", "foo/%")
#=> [#<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noselect], delim="/", name="foo/">, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors, :Marked], delim="/", name="foo/bar">, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors], delim="/", name="foo/baz">]

Sends a XLIST command, and returns a subset of names from the complete set of all names available to the client. refname provides a context (for instance, a base directory in a directory-based mailbox hierarchy). mailbox specifies a mailbox or (via wildcards) mailboxes under that context. Two wildcards may be used in mailbox: ‘*’, which matches all characters including the hierarchy delimiter (for instance, ‘/’ on a UNIX-hosted directory-based mailbox hierarchy); and ‘%’, which matches all characters except the hierarchy delimiter.

If refname is empty, mailbox is used directly to determine which mailboxes to match. If mailbox is empty, the root name of refname and the hierarchy delimiter are returned.

The XLIST command is like the LIST command except that the flags returned refer to the function of the folder/mailbox, e.g. :Sent

The return value is an array of Net::IMAP::MailboxList. For example:

p imap.xlist("", "foo/%")
#=> [#<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noselect], delim="/", name="foo/">, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors, :Marked], delim="/", name="foo/bar">, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::MailboxList attr=[:Noinferiors], delim="/", name="foo/baz">]

Sends a STATUS command, and returns the status of the indicated mailbox. attr is a list of one or more attributes whose statuses are to be requested. Supported attributes include:

MESSAGES:: the number of messages in the mailbox.
RECENT:: the number of recent messages in the mailbox.
UNSEEN:: the number of unseen messages in the mailbox.

The return value is a hash of attributes. For example:

p imap.status("inbox", ["MESSAGES", "RECENT"])
#=> {"RECENT"=>0, "MESSAGES"=>44}

A Net::IMAP::NoResponseError is raised if status values for mailbox cannot be returned; for instance, because it does not exist.

Sends a STORE command to alter data associated with messages in the mailbox, in particular their flags. The set parameter is a number, an array of numbers, or a Range object. Each number is a message sequence number. attr is the name of a data item to store: ‘FLAGS’ will replace the message’s flag list with the provided one, ‘+FLAGS’ will add the provided flags, and ‘-FLAGS’ will remove them. flags is a list of flags.

The return value is an array of Net::IMAP::FetchData. For example:

p, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])
#=> [#<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=6, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=7, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>, \\
     #<Net::IMAP::FetchData seqno=8, attr={"FLAGS"=>[:Seen, :Deleted]}>]

returns whether verify_mode is enable from POP3.ssl_params

Creates a new POP3 object and open the connection. Equivalent to, port, isapop).start(account, password)

If block is provided, yields the newly-opened POP3 object to it, and automatically closes it at the end of the session.


Net::POP3.start(addr, port, account, password) do |pop|
  pop.each_mail do |m|
    file.write m.pop

true if the POP3 session has started.

Starts a POP3 session.

When called with block, gives a POP3 object to the block and closes the session after block call finishes.

This method raises a POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.

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