Results for: "minmax"

Returns true if coverage stats are currently being collected (after Coverage.start call, but before Coverage.result call)

Returns the short user name of the currently logged in user. Unfortunately, it is often rather easy to fool ::getlogin.

Avoid ::getlogin for security-related purposes.

If ::getlogin fails, try ::getpwuid.

See the unix manpage for getpwuid(3) for more detail.


Etc.getlogin -> 'guest'

Allocate size bytes of memory and return the integer memory address for the allocated memory.

Shows the prompt and reads the inputted line with line editing. The inputted line is added to the history if add_hist is true.

Returns nil when the inputted line is empty and user inputs EOF (Presses ^D on UNIX).

Raises IOError exception if one of below conditions are satisfied.

  1. stdin was closed.

  2. stdout was closed.

This method supports thread. Switches the thread context when waits inputting line.

Supports line edit when inputs line. Provides VI and Emacs editing mode. Default is Emacs editing mode.

NOTE: Terminates ruby interpreter and does not return the terminal status after user pressed ā€˜^Cā€™ when wait inputting line. Give 3 examples that avoid it.

Can make as follows with Readline::HISTORY constant. It does not record to the history if the inputted line is empty or the same it as last one.

require "readline"

while buf = Readline.readline("> ", true)
  # p Readline::HISTORY.to_a
  Readline::HISTORY.pop if /^\s*$/ =~ buf

    if Readline::HISTORY[Readline::HISTORY.length-2] == buf
  rescue IndexError

  # p Readline::HISTORY.to_a
  print "-> ", buf, "\n"

Specifies a File object input that is input stream for Readline.readline method.

Returns the index of the current cursor position in Readline.line_buffer.

The index in Readline.line_buffer which matches the start of input-string passed to completion_proc is computed by subtracting the length of input-string from Readline.point.

start = (the length of input-string) - Readline.point

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Set the index of the current cursor position in Readline.line_buffer.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

See Readline.point.

Returns the log priority mask in effect. The mask is not reset by opening or closing syslog.

Sets the log priority mask. A method LOG_UPTO is defined to make it easier to set mask values. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_UPTO(Syslog::LOG_ERR)

Alternatively, specific priorities can be selected and added together using binary OR. Example:

Syslog.mask = Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_ERR) | Syslog::LOG_MASK(Syslog::LOG_CRIT)

The priority mask persists through calls to open() and close().

Returns an inspect() string summarizing the object state.

Returns self, for backward compatibility.

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Returns true if the named file is a symbolic link.

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

The path where gem executables are to be installed.

A Zlib::Inflate#inflate wrapper

Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:

% irb
>> Gem.install "minitest"
Fetching: minitest-3.0.1.gem (100%)
=> [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]

Returns the currenctly set formatter. By default, it is set to DidYouMean::Formatter.

Updates the primary formatter used to format the suggestions.

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