Results for: "minmax"

StringScanner provides for lexical scanning operations on a String. Here is an example of its usage:

s ='This is an example string')
s.eos?               # -> false

p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "This"
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "is"
s.eos?               # -> false

p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "an"
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "example"
p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> " "
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> "string"
s.eos?               # -> true

p s.scan(/\s+/)      # -> nil
p s.scan(/\w+/)      # -> nil

Scanning a string means remembering the position of a scan pointer, which is just an index. The point of scanning is to move forward a bit at a time, so matches are sought after the scan pointer; usually immediately after it.

Given the string “test string”, here are the pertinent scan pointer positions:

  t e s t   s t r i n g
0 1 2 ...             1

When you scan for a pattern (a regular expression), the match must occur at the character after the scan pointer. If you use scan_until, then the match can occur anywhere after the scan pointer. In both cases, the scan pointer moves just beyond the last character of the match, ready to scan again from the next character onwards. This is demonstrated by the example above.

Method Categories

There are other methods besides the plain scanners. You can look ahead in the string without actually scanning. You can access the most recent match. You can modify the string being scanned, reset or terminate the scanner, find out or change the position of the scan pointer, skip ahead, and so on.

Advancing the Scan Pointer

Looking Ahead

Finding Where we Are

Setting Where we Are

Match Data


There are aliases to several of the methods.


WIN32OLE objects represent OLE Automation object in Ruby.

By using WIN32OLE, you can access OLE server like VBScript.

Here is sample script.

require 'win32ole'

excel ='Excel.Application')
excel.visible = true
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add();
worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1);
worksheet.Range("A1:D1").value = ["North","South","East","West"];
worksheet.Range("A2:B2").value = [5.2, 10];
worksheet.Range("C2").value = 8;
worksheet.Range("D2").value = 20;

range = worksheet.Range("A1:D2");
chart = workbook.Charts.Add;

workbook.saved = true;


Unfortunately, Win32OLE doesn’t support the argument passed by reference directly. Instead, Win32OLE provides WIN32OLE::ARGV or WIN32OLE_VARIANT object. If you want to get the result value of argument passed by reference, you can use WIN32OLE::ARGV or WIN32OLE_VARIANT.

oleobj.method(arg1, arg2, refargv3)
puts WIN32OLE::ARGV[2]   # the value of refargv3 after called oleobj.method


refargv3 =,
oleobj.method(arg1, arg2, refargv3)
p refargv3.value # the value of refargv3 after called oleobj.method.

Raised when OLE processing failed.


obj ="NonExistProgID")

raises the exception:

WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown OLE server: `NonExistProgID'
    HRESULT error code:0x800401f3
      Invalid class string

Raised when a command was not found.

Raised when a command was not found.

Raised when a command was found, but not invoked properly.

The Matrix class represents a mathematical matrix. It provides methods for creating matrices, operating on them arithmetically and algebraically, and determining their mathematical properties such as trace, rank, inverse, determinant, or eigensystem.

MatchData encapsulates the result of matching a Regexp against string. It is returned by Regexp#match and String#match, and also stored in a global variable returned by Regexp.last_match.


url = ''
m = url.match(/(\d\.?)+/)   # => #<MatchData "2.5.0" 1:"0">
m.string                    # => ""
m.regexp                    # => /(\d\.?)+/
# entire matched substring:
m[0]                        # => "2.5.0"

# Working with unnamed captures
m = url.match(%r{([^/]+)/([^/]+)\.html$})
m.captures                  # => ["2.5.0", "MatchData"]
m[1]                        # => "2.5.0"
m.values_at(1, 2)           # => ["2.5.0", "MatchData"]

# Working with named captures
m = url.match(%r{(?<version>[^/]+)/(?<module>[^/]+)\.html$})
m.captures                  # => ["2.5.0", "MatchData"]
m.named_captures            # => {"version"=>"2.5.0", "module"=>"MatchData"}
m[:version]                 # => "2.5.0"
m.values_at(:version, :module)
                            # => ["2.5.0", "MatchData"]
# Numerical indexes are working, too
m[1]                        # => "2.5.0"
m.values_at(1, 2)           # => ["2.5.0", "MatchData"]

Global variables equivalence

Parts of last MatchData (returned by Regexp.last_match) are also aliased as global variables:

See also “Special global variables” section in Regexp documentation.

This class implements a pretty printing algorithm. It finds line breaks and nice indentations for grouped structure.

By default, the class assumes that primitive elements are strings and each byte in the strings have single column in width. But it can be used for other situations by giving suitable arguments for some methods:

There are several candidate uses:


Report any bugs at


Christian Lindig, Strictly Pretty, March 2000,

Philip Wadler, A prettier printer, March 1998,


Tanaka Akira <>

Document-class: TracePoint

A class that provides the functionality of Kernel#set_trace_func in a nice Object-Oriented API.


We can use TracePoint to gather information specifically for exceptions:

trace = do |tp|
    p [tp.lineno, tp.event, tp.raised_exception]
#=> #<TracePoint:disabled>

#=> false

0 / 0
#=> [5, :raise, #<ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0>]


If you don’t specify the type of events you want to listen for, TracePoint will include all available events.

Note do not depend on current event set, as this list is subject to change. Instead, it is recommended you specify the type of events you want to use.

To filter what is traced, you can pass any of the following as events:


execute code on a new line


start a class or module definition


finish a class or module definition


call a Ruby method


return from a Ruby method


call a C-language routine


return from a C-language routine


raise an exception


event hook at block entry


event hook at block ending


event hook at thread beginning


event hook at thread ending


event hook at fiber switch


new Ruby code compiled (with eval, load or require)

The Warning module contains a single method named warn, and the module extends itself, making Warning.warn available. Warning.warn is called for all warnings issued by Ruby. By default, warnings are printed to $stderr.

By overriding Warning.warn, you can change how warnings are handled by Ruby, either filtering some warnings, and/or outputting warnings somewhere other than $stderr. When Warning.warn is overridden, super can be called to get the default behavior of printing the warning to $stderr.

Provides mathematical functions.


require "bigdecimal/math"

include BigMath

a = BigDecimal((PI(100)/2).to_s)
puts sin(a,100) # => 0.99999999999999999999......e0

The Readline module provides interface for GNU Readline. This module defines a number of methods to facilitate completion and accesses input history from the Ruby interpreter. This module supported Edit Line(libedit) too. libedit is compatible with GNU Readline.

GNU Readline


Reads one inputted line with line edit by Readline.readline method. At this time, the facilitatation completion and the key bind like Emacs can be operated like GNU Readline.

require "readline"
while buf = Readline.readline("> ", true)
  p buf

The content that the user input can be recorded to the history. The history can be accessed by Readline::HISTORY constant.

require "readline"
while buf = Readline.readline("> ", true)
  p Readline::HISTORY.to_a
  print("-> ", buf, "\n")

Documented by Kouji Takao <kouji dot takao at gmail dot com>.

The Benchmark module provides methods to measure and report the time used to execute Ruby code.

The result:

              user     system      total        real
for:      1.010000   0.000000   1.010000 (  1.015688)
times:    1.000000   0.000000   1.000000 (  1.003611)
upto:     1.030000   0.000000   1.030000 (  1.028098)

The Find module supports the top-down traversal of a set of file paths.

For example, to total the size of all files under your home directory, ignoring anything in a “dot” directory (e.g. $HOME/.ssh):

require 'find'

total_size = 0

Find.find(ENV["HOME"]) do |path|
    if File.basename(path).start_with?('.')
      Find.prune       # Don't look any further into this directory.
    total_size += FileTest.size(path)

SingleForwardable can be used to setup delegation at the object level as well.

printer =
printer.extend SingleForwardable        # prepare object for delegation
printer.def_delegator "STDOUT", "puts"  # add delegation for STDOUT.puts()
printer.puts "Howdy!"

Also, SingleForwardable can be used to set up delegation for a Class or Module.

class Implementation
  def self.service
    puts "serviced!"

module Facade
  extend SingleForwardable
  def_delegator :Implementation, :service

Facade.service #=> serviced!

If you want to use both Forwardable and SingleForwardable, you can use methods def_instance_delegator and def_single_delegator, etc.

No documentation available
No documentation available

A module to implement the Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby.

Rinda is part of DRb (dRuby).


See the sample/drb/ directory in the Ruby distribution, from 1.8.2 onwards.

The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern.


To use Singleton, include the module in your class.

class Klass
   include Singleton
   # ...

This ensures that only one instance of Klass can be created.

a,b  = Klass.instance, Klass.instance

a == b
# => true
# => NoMethodError - new is private ...

The instance is created at upon the first call of Klass.instance().

class OtherKlass
  include Singleton
  # ...

# => 0

# => 1

This behavior is preserved under inheritance and cloning.


This above is achieved by:

Singleton and Marshal

By default Singleton’s _dump(depth) returns the empty string. Marshalling by default will strip state information, e.g. instance variables from the instance. Classes using Singleton can provide custom _load(str) and _dump(depth) methods to retain some of the previous state of the instance.

require 'singleton'

class Example
  include Singleton
  attr_accessor :keep, :strip
  def _dump(depth)
    # this strips the @strip information from the instance
    Marshal.dump(@keep, depth)

  def self._load(str)
    instance.keep = Marshal.load(str)

a = Example.instance
a.keep = "keep this"
a.strip = "get rid of this"

stored_state = Marshal.dump(a)

a.keep = nil
a.strip = nil
b = Marshal.load(stored_state)
p a == b  #  => true
p a.keep  #  => "keep this"
p a.strip #  => nil

define UnicodeNormalize module here so that we don’t have to look it up

The marshaling library converts collections of Ruby objects into a byte stream, allowing them to be stored outside the currently active script. This data may subsequently be read and the original objects reconstituted.

Marshaled data has major and minor version numbers stored along with the object information. In normal use, marshaling can only load data written with the same major version number and an equal or lower minor version number. If Ruby’s “verbose” flag is set (normally using -d, -v, -w, or –verbose) the major and minor numbers must match exactly. Marshal versioning is independent of Ruby’s version numbers. You can extract the version by reading the first two bytes of marshaled data.

str = Marshal.dump("thing")
RUBY_VERSION   #=> "1.9.0"
str[0].ord     #=> 4
str[1].ord     #=> 8

Some objects cannot be dumped: if the objects to be dumped include bindings, procedure or method objects, instances of class IO, or singleton objects, a TypeError will be raised.

If your class has special serialization needs (for example, if you want to serialize in some specific format), or if it contains objects that would otherwise not be serializable, you can implement your own serialization strategy.

There are two methods of doing this, your object can define either marshal_dump and marshal_load or _dump and _load. marshal_dump will take precedence over _dump if both are defined. marshal_dump may result in smaller Marshal strings.

Security considerations

By design, Marshal.load can deserialize almost any class loaded into the Ruby process. In many cases this can lead to remote code execution if the Marshal data is loaded from an untrusted source.

As a result, Marshal.load is not suitable as a general purpose serialization format and you should never unmarshal user supplied input or other untrusted data.

If you need to deserialize untrusted data, use JSON or another serialization format that is only able to load simple, ‘primitive’ types such as String, Array, Hash, etc. Never allow user input to specify arbitrary types to deserialize into.

marshal_dump and marshal_load

When dumping an object the method marshal_dump will be called. marshal_dump must return a result containing the information necessary for marshal_load to reconstitute the object. The result can be any object.

When loading an object dumped using marshal_dump the object is first allocated then marshal_load is called with the result from marshal_dump. marshal_load must recreate the object from the information in the result.


class MyObj
  def initialize name, version, data
    @name    = name
    @version = version
    @data    = data

  def marshal_dump
    [@name, @version]

  def marshal_load array
    @name, @version = array

_dump and _load

Use _dump and _load when you need to allocate the object you’re restoring yourself.

When dumping an object the instance method _dump is called with an Integer which indicates the maximum depth of objects to dump (a value of -1 implies that you should disable depth checking). _dump must return a String containing the information necessary to reconstitute the object.

The class method _load should take a String and use it to return an object of the same class.


class MyObj
  def initialize name, version, data
    @name    = name
    @version = version
    @data    = data

  def _dump level
    [@name, @version].join ':'

  def self._load args

Since Marshal.dump outputs a string you can have _dump return a Marshal string which is Marshal.loaded in _load for complex objects.

The Math module contains module functions for basic trigonometric and transcendental functions. See class Float for a list of constants that define Ruby’s floating point accuracy.

Domains and codomains are given only for real (not complex) numbers.

WIN32OLE_EVENT objects controls OLE event.

WIN32OLE_METHOD objects represent OLE method information.

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