Results for: "max_by"

Returns the size of memory allocated by malloc().

Only available if ruby was built with CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE.

Deduce Ruby’s –program-prefix and –program-suffix from its install name

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No documentation available

Returns true if the MKD command may be used to create a new directory within the directory.

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Returns true if other is a subdomain.


domain = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z")
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z.").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Sets up the maker for constructing Entry elements.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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