Results for: "match"

Adds this spec’s require paths to LOAD_PATH, in the proper location.

Reset nil attributes to their default values to make the spec valid

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No documentation available

Raw Strings are JSON Objects (the raw bytes are stored in an array for the key “raw”). The Ruby String can be created by this module method.

@macro action

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Processes the topmost available {RequirementState} on the stack @return [void]

@return [ResolutionState] the state whose ‘requirement` is the given


Ensures there are no orphaned successors to the given {vertex}. @param [DependencyGraph::Vertex] vertex the vertex to fix up. @return [void]

@return [Boolean] whether the current spec is satisfied as a new possibility.

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider#requirement_satisfied_by?)

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No documentation available

In case we’re building docs in a background process, this method waits for that process to exit (or if it’s already been reaped, or never happened, swallows the Errno::ECHILD error).

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@return [Integer] The index to which the resolution should unwind in the

case of conflict.

Attempts to swp the current {#possibility} with the already-activated spec with the given name @return [Boolean] Whether the possibility was swapped into {#activated}

Pushes a new {DependencyState} that encapsulates both existing and new requirements @param [Array] new_requirements @return [void]

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No documentation available

Pushes a new {DependencyState}. If the {#specification_provider} says to {SpecificationProvider#allow_missing?} that particular requirement, and there are no possibilities for that requirement, then ‘state` is not pushed, and the node in {#activated} is removed, and we continue resolving the remaining requirements. @param [DependencyState] state @return [void]

Ensures any raised {NoSuchDependencyError} has its {NoSuchDependencyError#required_by} set. @yield

Returns the regexp.

m = /a.*b/.match("abc")
m.regexp #=> /a.*b/

Returns a list of names of captures as an array of strings. It is same as mtch.regexp.names.

#=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

m = /(?<x>.)(?<y>.)?/.match("a") #=> #<MatchData "a" x:"a" y:nil>
m.names                          #=> ["x", "y"]
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