Results for: "match"

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@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

@param [DependencyGraph] graph the graph to find vertices from @return [Edge] The edge this action adds

@!visibility private Enumerates each action in the log in reverse order @yield [Action]

Is there a path from ‘self` to `other` following edges in the dependency graph? @return true iff there is a path following edges within this {#graph}

Creates the initial state for the resolution, based upon the {#requested} dependencies @return [DependencyState] the initial state for the resolution

@return [Boolean] whether or not the given state has any possibilities


@return [Conflict] a {Conflict} that reflects the failure to activate

the {#possibility} in conjunction with the current {#state}

Indicates progress roughly once every second @return [void]

Add the current {#possibility} to the dependency graph of the current {#state} @return [void]

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::SpecificationProvider#search_for)

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@!visibility private

@param [String] name @param [Object] payload @param [Array<String>] parent_names @param [Object] requirement the requirement that is requiring the child @return [void]

Detaches the {#vertex_named} ‘name` {Vertex} from the graph, recursively removing any non-root vertices that were orphaned in the process @param [String] name @return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices which have been detached

Removes a possibility from ‘self` @return [PossibilityState] a state with a single possibility,

the possibility that was removed from `self`

Determines whether the given ‘requirement` is satisfied by the given `spec`, in the context of the current `activated` dependency graph.

@param [Object] requirement @param [DependencyGraph] activated the current dependency graph in the

resolution process.

@param [Object] spec @return [Boolean] whether ‘requirement` is satisfied by `spec` in the

context of the current `activated` dependency graph.

Sets the minimum and maximum supported protocol versions. See min_version= and max_version=.

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