Results for: "match"

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Search for the specifications that match the given dependency. The specifications in the returned array will be considered in reverse order, so the latest version ought to be last. @note This method should be ‘pure’, i.e. the return value should depend

only on the `dependency` parameter.

@param [Object] dependency @return [Array<Object>] the specifications that satisfy the given


Called roughly every {#progress_rate}, this method should convey progress to the user.

@return [void]

How often progress should be conveyed to the user via {#indicate_progress}, in seconds. A third of a second, by default.

@return [Float]

Attempts to activate the current {#possibility} (given that it has already been activated) @return [void]

Attempts to activate the current {#possibility} (given that it hasn’t already been activated) @return [void]

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The current session cache mode.

Sets the SSL session cache mode. Bitwise-or together the desired SESSION_CACHE_* constants to set. See SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3) for details.

Returns the current session cache size. Zero is used to represent an unlimited cache size.

Sets the session cache size. Returns the previously valid session cache size. Zero is used to represent an unlimited session cache size.

Perform hostname verification following RFC 6125.

This method MUST be called after calling connect to ensure that the hostname of a remote peer has been verified.

The X509 certificate chain for this socket’s peer.

Configures store to look up CA certificates from the system default certificate store as needed basis. The location of the store can usually be determined by:

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Get the private instance variable prop from target

Creates a CRAM-MD5 challenge. You can view more information on CRAM-MD5 on Wikipedia:

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Search took: 6ms  ·  Total Results: 2165