Results for: "max_by"

Error raised upon a “BYE” response from the server, indicating that the client is not being allowed to login, or has been timed out due to inactivity.

The RubyVM module provides some access to Ruby internals. This module is for very limited purposes, such as debugging, prototyping, and research. Normal users must not use it.

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Raised by Encoding and String methods when the string being transcoded contains a byte invalid for the either the source or target encoding.

This class walks a YAML AST, converting each node to Ruby

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Sets the maximum size of the queue to the given number.

Returns a two element array which contains the minimum and the maximum value in the enumerable. The first form assumes all objects implement Comparable; the second uses the block to return a <=> b.

a = %w(albatross dog horse)
a.minmax                                  #=> ["albatross", "horse"]
a.minmax { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } #=> ["dog", "albatross"]

Returns the maximum number of gids allowed in the supplemental group access list.

Process.maxgroups   #=> 32

Sets the maximum number of gids allowed in the supplemental group access list.

Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return ‘nmake’. On all other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return ‘make’.

Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return ‘nmake’. On all other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return ‘make’.

Invokes the given block once for each element of self.

Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block.

See also Enumerable#collect.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
a.collect {|x| x + "!"}           #=> ["a!", "b!", "c!", "d!"] {|x, i| x * i}   #=> ["", "b", "cc", "ddd"]
a                                 #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

Invokes the given block once for each element of self, replacing the element with the value returned by the block.

See also Enumerable#collect.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]! {|x| x + "!" }
a #=>  [ "a!", "b!", "c!", "d!" ]
a.collect!.with_index {|x, i| x[0...i] }
a #=>  ["", "b", "c!", "d!"]

Returns the remainder after dividing int by numeric.

x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate.

5.remainder(3)     #=> 2
-5.remainder(3)    #=> -2
5.remainder(-3)    #=> 2
-5.remainder(-3)   #=> -2
5.remainder(1.5)   #=> 0.5

See Numeric#divmod.

Returns the absolute value of int.

(-12345).abs   #=> 12345
-12345.abs     #=> 12345
12345.abs      #=> 12345

Integer#magnitude is an alias for Integer#abs.

Returns the imaginary part.

Complex(7).imaginary      #=> 0
Complex(9, -4).imaginary  #=> -4

Returns the imaginary part.

Complex(7).imaginary      #=> 0
Complex(9, -4).imaginary  #=> -4

Returns the absolute part of its polar form.

Complex(-1).abs         #=> 1
Complex(3.0, -4.0).abs  #=> 5.0

Returns zero.

Returns zero.

x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate.

See Numeric#divmod.

Returns the absolute value of num.

12.abs         #=> 12
(-34.56).abs   #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs     #=> 34.56

Numeric#magnitude is an alias for Numeric#abs.

Converts pattern to a Regexp (if it isn’t already one), then invokes its match method on str. If the second parameter is present, it specifies the position in the string to begin the search.

'hello'.match('(.)\1')      #=> #<MatchData "ll" 1:"l">
'hello'.match('(.)\1')[0]   #=> "ll"
'hello'.match(/(.)\1/)[0]   #=> "ll"
'hello'.match(/(.)\1/, 3)   #=> nil
'hello'.match('xx')         #=> nil

If a block is given, invoke the block with MatchData if match succeed, so that you can write

str.match(pat) {|m| ...}

instead of

if m = str.match(pat)

The return value is a value from block execution in this case.

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