Results for: "match"

Creates a command alias at the given alias for the given command, passing any options along with it.

Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command "lsC", "ls", "-CBF", "--show-control-chars"
Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command("lsC", "ls"){|*opts| ["-CBF", "--show-control-chars", *opts]}

Unaliases the given alias command.

schedule a command

terminate a job

No documentation available

raise InvalidURIError

raise InvalidURIError

raise InvalidURIError

Protected setter for the scheme component v.

See also URI::Generic.scheme=.

Checks the user and password.

If password is not provided, then user is split, using URI::Generic.split_userinfo, to pull user and +password.

See also URI::Generic.check_user, URI::Generic.check_password.

Checks the user v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO.

Can not have a registry or opaque component defined, with a user component defined.

Checks the password v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :USERINFO.

Can not have a registry or opaque component defined, with a user component defined.

Checks the host v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :HOST.

Can not have a registry or opaque component defined, with a host component defined.

Checks the port v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :PORT.

Can not have a registry or opaque component defined, with a port component defined.

Protected setter for the path component v.

See also URI::Generic.path=.

Checks the opaque v component for RFC2396 compliance and against the URI::Parser Regexp for :OPAQUE.

Can not have a host, port, user, or path component defined, with an opaque component defined.

Returns an Array of the path split on ‘/’.

Merges a base path base, with relative path rel, returns a modified base path.

Private setter for attributes val.

Checks the to v component.

Checks the headers v component against either

Returns the RFC822 e-mail text equivalent of the URL, as a String.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
# => "To:\nSubject: subscribe\nCc: myaddr\n\n\n"

Returns Regexp that is default self.regexp, unless schemes is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern.

Constructs the default Hash of patterns.

Returns Regexp that is default self.regexp, unless schemes is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern.

Search took: 15ms  ·  Total Results: 2165