Results for: "minmax"

Generate an Image Button Input element as a string.

src is the URL of the image to use for the button. name is the input name. alt is the alternative text for the image.

Alternatively, the attributes can be specified as a hash.

  # <INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="url">

image_button("url", "name", "string")
  # <INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="url" NAME="name" ALT="string">

image_button("SRC" => "url", "ALT" => "string")
  # <INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="url" ALT="string">
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field as an array of strings.

The encodings are downcased for canonicalization.

A convenience method which is same as follows:

text ','

A node-set is converted to a string by returning the concatenation of the string-value of each of the children of the node in the node-set that is first in document order. If the node-set is empty, an empty string is returned.

Kouhei fixed this

Kouhei fixed this too



Adds a maker to the set of supported makers

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Temporarily turn off warnings. Intended for tests only.

Temporarily turn off warnings. Intended for tests only.

Signs in with the RubyGems API at sign_in_host and sets the rubygems API key.

Wraps text to wrap characters and optionally indents by indent characters

This code is based directly on the Text gem implementation Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2

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