Results for: "Logger"

Returns true if the next row read will be a header row.

No documentation available

Processes fields with @converters, or @header_converters if headers is passed as true, returning the converted field set. Any converter that changes the field into something other than a String halts the pipeline of conversion for that field. This is primarily an efficiency shortcut.

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No documentation available

Used to filter unwanted trace output

Example which only outputs lines of code executed within the Kernel class:

Tracer.add_filter do |event, file, line, id, binding, klass, *rest|
  "Kernel" == klass.to_s
No documentation available

Reinitializes delegation from a serialized object.

Allow connections from Socket soc?

Allow connections from addrinfo addr? It must be formatted like Socket#peeraddr:

["AF_INET", 10, "lc630", ""]

Creates a new compiler for ERB. See for details

Set an error (a protected method).

‘get_option’ is an alias of ‘get’.

Returns true if the ipaddr is a link-local address. IPv4 addresses in reserved by RFC 3927 and Link-Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses in fe80::/10 reserved by RFC 4291 are considered link-local.

Creates a Range object for the network address.

Returns the names of the binding’s local variables as symbols.

def foo
  a = 1
  2.times do |n|
    binding.local_variables #=> [:a, :n]

This method is the short version of the following code:


Returns the Ruby source filename and line number of the binding object.

Returns range or nil

Returns true if this is an upper triangular matrix.

Private. Use Matrix#determinant

Returns the determinant of the matrix, using Bareiss’ multistep integer-preserving gaussian elimination. It has the same computational cost order O(n^3) as standard Gaussian elimination. Intermediate results are fraction free and of lower complexity. A matrix of Integers will have thus intermediate results that are also Integers, with smaller bignums (if any), while a matrix of Float will usually have intermediate results with better precision.

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Returns the inner product of this vector with the other.

Vector[4,7].inner_product Vector[10,1]  => 47

Program name to be emitted in error message and default banner, defaults to $0.

No documentation available

Load the given PStore file. If read_only is true, the unmarshalled Hash will be returned. If read_only is false, a 3-tuple will be returned: the unmarshalled Hash, a checksum of the data, and the size of the data.

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