Results for: "tally"

No documentation available

Dummy session storage class.

Implements session storage place holder. No actual storage will be done.

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No documentation available

Net::IMAP::BodyTypeAttachment represents attachment body structures of messages.



Returns the content media type name.


Returns nil.


Returns a hash that represents parameters.


Returns false.

Error raised when data is in the incorrect format.

Switch that can omit argument.

A Resolv::LOC::Alt

No documentation available

Using the Pull Parser

This API is experimental, and subject to change.

parser = "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
while parser.has_next?
  res =
  puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'

See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results. The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to the StreamListener API.

Notice that:

parser = "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
while parser.has_next?
  res =
  raise res[1] if res.error?

Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.

A parsing event. The contents of the event are accessed as an +Array?, and the type is given either by the …? methods, or by accessing the type accessor. The contents of this object vary from event to event, but are identical to the arguments passed to +StreamListener+s for each event.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

A header for a tar file

TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items

A test case for Gem::Package::Tar* classes

Allows writing of tar files

A LocalSpecification comes from a .gem file on the local filesystem.

No documentation available

The local source finds gems in the current directory for fulfilling dependencies.

The StaticSet is a static set of gem specifications used for testing only. It is available by requiring Gem::TestCase.

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