Results for: "strip"

Returns the value of the given class variable (or throws a NameError exception). The @@ part of the variable name should be included for regular class variables. String arguments are converted to symbols.

class Fred
  @@foo = 99
Fred.class_variable_get(:@@foo)     #=> 99

Sets the class variable named by symbol to the given object. If the class variable name is passed as a string, that string is converted to a symbol.

class Fred
  @@foo = 99
  def foo
Fred.class_variable_set(:@@foo, 101)     #=> 101                             #=> 101

Returns true if the given class variable is defined in obj. String arguments are converted to symbols.

class Fred
  @@foo = 99
Fred.class_variable_defined?(:@@foo)    #=> true
Fred.class_variable_defined?(:@@bar)    #=> false

Similar to instance_method, searches public method only.

Returns true if the named private method is defined by mod. If inherit is set, the lookup will also search mod’s ancestors. String arguments are converted to symbols.

module A
  def method1()  end
class B
  def method2()  end
class C < B
  include A
  def method3()  end

A.method_defined? :method1                   #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method1"          #=> false
C.private_method_defined? "method2"          #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method2", true    #=> true
C.private_method_defined? "method2", false   #=> false
C.method_defined? "method2"                  #=> false

Makes existing class methods private. Often used to hide the default constructor new.

String arguments are converted to symbols.

class SimpleSingleton  # Not thread safe
  private_class_method :new
  def SimpleSingleton.create(*args, &block)
    @me = new(*args, &block) if ! @me
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a string representation of lex_state.

Returns true for IPv6 unique local address (fc00::/7, RFC4193). It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast node-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast link-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast site-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast organization-local scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv6 multicast global scope address. It returns false otherwise.

Returns IO instance tied to ARGF for writing if inplace mode is enabled.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Prints all threads in @thread_list to @stdout. Returns a sorted array of values from the @thread_list hash.

While in the debugger you can list all of the threads with: DEBUGGER__.thread_list_all

(rdb:1) DEBUGGER__.thread_list_all
+1 #<Thread:0x007fb2320c03f0 run> debug_me.rb.rb:3
 2 #<Thread:0x007fb23218a538@debug_me.rb.rb:3 sleep>
 3 #<Thread:0x007fb23218b0f0@debug_me.rb.rb:3 sleep>
[1, 2, 3]

Your current thread is indicated by a +

Additionally you can list all threads with th l

(rdb:1) th l
 +1 #<Thread:0x007f99328c0410 run>  debug_me.rb:3
  2 #<Thread:0x007f9932938230@debug_me.rb:3 sleep> debug_me.rb:3
  3 #<Thread:0x007f9932938e10@debug_me.rb:3 sleep> debug_me.rb:3

See DEBUGGER__ for more usage.

No documentation available

Returns the value of the local variable symbol.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:a) #=> 1
  binding.local_variable_get(:b) #=> NameError

This method is the short version of the following code:


Set local variable named symbol as obj.

def foo
  a = 1
  bind = binding
  bind.local_variable_set(:a, 2) # set existing local variable `a'
  bind.local_variable_set(:b, 3) # create new local variable `b'
                                 # `b' exists only in binding

  p bind.local_variable_get(:a)  #=> 2
  p bind.local_variable_get(:b)  #=> 3
  p a                            #=> 2
  p b                            #=> NameError

This method behaves similarly to the following code:

binding.eval("#{symbol} = #{obj}")

if obj can be dumped in Ruby code.

Returns true if a local variable symbol exists.

def foo
  a = 1
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:a) #=> true
  binding.local_variable_defined?(:b) #=> false

This method is the short version of the following code:

binding.eval("defined?(#{symbol}) == 'local-variable'")

Breaks the buffer into lines that are shorter than maxwidth

Raises PStore::Error if the calling code is not in a PStore#transaction or if the code is in a read-only PStore#transaction.

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