Results for: "strip"

No documentation available

This code is based directly on the Text gem implementation Returns a value representing the “cost” of transforming str1 into str2

Invokes system, but silences all output.

Enumerates the parents of directory.

Creates TCP server sockets bound to address:port and returns them.

It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces.

Creates TCP server sockets bound to address:port and returns them.

It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces.

Change the current process’s real and effective user ID to that specified by user. Returns the new user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::UID.change_privilege(31)    #=> 31
[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [31, 31]

Set the effective user ID, and if possible, the saved user ID of the process to the given user. Returns the new effective user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::UID.grant_privilege(31)     #=> 31
[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [0, 31]

Change the current process’s real and effective group ID to that specified by group. Returns the new group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::GID.change_privilege(33)    #=> 33
[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [33, 33]

Set the effective group ID, and if possible, the saved group ID of the process to the given group. Returns the new effective group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::GID.grant_privilege(31)     #=> 33
[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [0, 33]
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Processes the topmost available {RequirementState} on the stack @return [void]

No documentation available
No documentation available

Writes data onto the IO, raising a FileOverflow exception if the number of bytes will be more than limit

Writes data onto the IO

No documentation available

Re-composes a prime factorization and returns the product.

See Prime#int_from_prime_division for more details.

Passes each grapheme cluster in str to the given block, or returns an enumerator if no block is given. Unlike String#each_char, this enumerates by grapheme clusters defined by Unicode Standard Annex #29

"a\u0300".each_char.to_a.size #=> 2
"a\u0300".each_grapheme_cluster.to_a.size #=> 1

Returns a list of the public instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

Returns a list of the protected instance methods defined in mod. If the optional parameter is false, the methods of any ancestors are not included.

Removes the definition of the sym, returning that constant’s value.

class Dummy
  @@var = 99
  puts @@var
  p(defined? @@var)


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