Results for: "minmax"

Completion for hash key.

No documentation available

Rewinds the internal position for enumeration.

See Enumerator#rewind.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Whether an attlist declaration includes the given attribute definition

if attlist_decl.include? "xmlns:foobar"
No documentation available

@return the XMLDecl encoding of this document as an Encoding object. If no XMLDecl has been set, returns the default encoding.

No documentation available

Get an array of all Instruction children. IMMUTABLE

Returns the index of the supplied child (starting at 1), or -1 if the element is not a child


an Element child

No documentation available

Evaluates whether the given string matches an entity definition, returning true if so, and false otherwise.

Evaluates to the unnormalized value of this entity; that is, replacing all entities – both %ent; and &ent; entities. This differs from +value()+ in that value only replaces %ent; entities.

Returns the value of this entity unprocessed – raw. This is the normalized value; that is, with all %ent; and &ent; entities intact

No documentation available

Fetches the index of a given child @param child the child to get the index of @return the index of the child, or nil if the object is not a child of this parent.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Inherited from Encoding Overridden to support optimized en/decoding

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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