Results for: "match"

Equivalent to File::chmod, but does not follow symbolic links (so it will change the permissions associated with the link, not the file referenced by the link). Often not available.

Equivalent to File::chown, but does not follow symbolic links (so it will change the owner associated with the link, not the file referenced by the link). Often not available. Returns number of files in the argument list.

Returns the current umask value for this process. If the optional argument is given, set the umask to that value and return the previous value. Umask values are subtracted from the default permissions, so a umask of 0222 would make a file read-only for everyone.

File.umask(0006)   #=> 18
File.umask         #=> 6

Truncates the file file_name to be at most integer bytes long. Not available on all platforms.

f ="out", "w")
f.write("1234567890")     #=> 10
f.close                   #=> nil
File.truncate("out", 5)   #=> 0
File.size("out")          #=> 5

Returns the real (absolute) pathname of pathname in the actual filesystem not containing symlinks or useless dots.

If dir_string is given, it is used as a base directory for interpreting relative pathname instead of the current directory.

All components of the pathname must exist when this method is called.

Returns the real (absolute) pathname of pathname in the actual filesystem. The real pathname doesn’t contain symlinks or useless dots.

If dir_string is given, it is used as a base directory for interpreting relative pathname instead of the current directory.

The last component of the real pathname can be nonexistent.

Returns the string representation of the path

File.path("/dev/null")          #=> "/dev/null"
File.path("/tmp")) #=> "/tmp"

Same as IO#stat, but does not follow the last symbolic link. Instead, reports on the link itself.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0
File.stat("testfile").size              #=> 66
f ="link2test")
f.lstat.size                            #=> 8
f.stat.size                             #=> 66

Returns the last access time (a Time object) for file, or epoch if file has not been accessed."testfile").atime   #=> Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969

Changes permission bits on file to the bit pattern represented by mode_int. Actual effects are platform dependent; on Unix systems, see chmod(2) for details. Follows symbolic links. Also see File#lchmod.

f ="out", "w");
f.chmod(0644)   #=> 0

Changes the owner and group of file to the given numeric owner and group id’s. Only a process with superuser privileges may change the owner of a file. The current owner of a file may change the file’s group to any group to which the owner belongs. A nil or -1 owner or group id is ignored. Follows symbolic links. See also File#lchown."testfile").chown(502, 1000)

Truncates file to at most integer bytes. The file must be opened for writing. Not available on all platforms.

f ="out", "w")
f.syswrite("1234567890")   #=> 10
f.truncate(5)              #=> 0
f.close()                  #=> nil
File.size("out")           #=> 5

Returns the pathname used to create file as a string. Does not normalize the name.

The pathname may not point to the file corresponding to file. For instance, the pathname becomes void when the file has been moved or deleted.

This method raises IOError for a file created using File::Constants::TMPFILE because they don’t have a pathname."testfile").path               #=> "testfile""/tmp/../tmp/xxx", "w").path   #=> "/tmp/../tmp/xxx"

Returns true if the named file is a character device.

file_name can be an IO object.

Returns a replicated encoding of enc whose name is name. The new encoding should have the same byte structure of enc. If name is used by another encoding, raise ArgumentError.

Checks the compatibility of two objects.

If the objects are both strings they are compatible when they are concatenatable. The encoding of the concatenated string will be returned if they are compatible, nil if they are not.

Encoding.compatible?("\xa1".force_encoding("iso-8859-1"), "b")
#=> #<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>

#=> nil

If the objects are non-strings their encodings are compatible when they have an encoding and:

Iterates over the block according to how this Enumerator was constructed. If no block and no arguments are given, returns self.


"Hello, world!".scan(/\w+/)                     #=> ["Hello", "world"]
"Hello, world!".to_enum(:scan, /\w+/).to_a      #=> ["Hello", "world"]
"Hello, world!".to_enum(:scan).each(/\w+/).to_a #=> ["Hello", "world"]

obj =

def obj.each_arg(a, b=:b, *rest)
  yield a
  yield b
  yield rest

enum = obj.to_enum :each_arg, :a, :x

enum.each.to_a                  #=> [:a, :x, []]
enum.each.equal?(enum)          #=> true
enum.each { |elm| elm }         #=> :method_returned

enum.each(:y, :z).to_a          #=> [:a, :x, [:y, :z]]
enum.each(:y, :z).equal?(enum)  #=> false
enum.each(:y, :z) { |elm| elm } #=> :method_returned

Return the status value associated with this system exit.

The first form is equivalent to attr_reader. The second form is equivalent to attr_accessor(name) but deprecated. The last form is equivalent to attr_reader(name) but deprecated.

With no arguments, sets the default visibility for subsequently defined methods to private. With arguments, sets the named methods to have private visibility. String arguments are converted to symbols.

module Mod
  def a()  end
  def b()  end
  def c()  end
  private :a
Mod.private_instance_methods   #=> [:a, :c]

Note that to show a private method on RDoc, use :doc:.

Returns the remainder from dividing by the value.

x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate

Truncate to the nearest integer (by default), returning the result as a BigDecimal.

BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate #=> 3
BigDecimal('8.7').truncate #=> 8
BigDecimal('-9.9').truncate #=> -9

If n is specified and positive, the fractional part of the result has no more than that many digits.

If n is specified and negative, at least that many digits to the left of the decimal point will be 0 in the result.

BigDecimal('3.14159').truncate(3) #=> 3.141
BigDecimal('13345.234').truncate(-2) #=> 13300.0

Returns the numerator.

Rational(7).numerator        #=> 7
Rational(7, 1).numerator     #=> 7
Rational(9, -4).numerator    #=> -9
Rational(-2, -10).numerator  #=> 1

Returns the denominator (always positive).

Rational(7).denominator             #=> 1
Rational(7, 1).denominator          #=> 1
Rational(9, -4).denominator         #=> 4
Rational(-2, -10).denominator       #=> 5

Returns true if rat is less than 0.

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