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Obtains name information for sockaddr.

sockaddr should be one of follows.

flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::NI_* constants.

Note: The last form is compatible with IPSocket#addr and IPSocket#peeraddr.

Socket.getnameinfo(Socket.sockaddr_in(80, ""))       #=> ["localhost", "www"]
Socket.getnameinfo(["AF_INET", 80, ""])              #=> ["localhost", "www"]
Socket.getnameinfo(["AF_INET", 80, "localhost", ""]) #=> ["localhost", "www"]

If Addrinfo object is preferred, use Addrinfo#getnameinfo.

Return a string describing this IPSocket object.

creates a socket bound to self.

If a block is given, it is called with the socket and the value of the block is returned. The socket is returned otherwise.

Addrinfo.udp("", 9981).bind {|s|
  s.local_address.connect {|s| s.send "hello", 0 }
  p s.recv(10) #=> "hello"

returns a string which shows addrinfo in human-readable form.

Addrinfo.tcp("localhost", 80).inspect #=> "#<Addrinfo: TCP (localhost)>"
Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").inspect    #=> "#<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock SOCK_STREAM>"

returns a list of addrinfo objects as an array.

This method converts nodename (hostname) and service (port) to addrinfo. Since the conversion is not unique, the result is a list of addrinfo objects.

nodename or service can be nil if no conversion intended.

family, socktype and protocol are hint for preferred protocol. If the result will be used for a socket with SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_STREAM should be specified as socktype. If so, Addrinfo.getaddrinfo returns addrinfo list appropriate for SOCK_STREAM. If they are omitted or nil is given, the result is not restricted.

Similarly, PF_INET6 as family restricts for IPv6.

flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::AI_??? constants such as follows. Note that the exact list of the constants depends on OS.

AI_PASSIVE      Get address to use with bind()
AI_CANONNAME    Fill in the canonical name
AI_NUMERICHOST  Prevent host name resolution
AI_NUMERICSERV  Prevent service name resolution
AI_V4MAPPED     Accept IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses
AI_ALL          Allow all addresses
AI_ADDRCONFIG   Accept only if any address is assigned

Note that socktype should be specified whenever application knows the usage of the address. Some platform causes an error when socktype is omitted and servname is specified as an integer because some port numbers, 512 for example, are ambiguous without socktype.

Addrinfo.getaddrinfo("", 80, nil, :STREAM)
#=> [#<Addrinfo: TCP (>,
#    #<Addrinfo: [2001:200:dff:fff1:216:3eff:feb1:44d7]:80 TCP (>]

returns the address family as an integer.

Addrinfo.tcp("localhost", 80).afamily == Socket::AF_INET #=> true

returns the protocol family as an integer.

Addrinfo.tcp("localhost", 80).pfamily == Socket::PF_INET #=> true

returns nodename and service as a pair of strings. This converts struct sockaddr in addrinfo to textual representation.

flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::NI_??? constants.

Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).getnameinfo #=> ["localhost", "www"]

Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).getnameinfo(Socket::NI_NUMERICSERV)
#=> ["localhost", "80"]

Binds udpsocket to host:port.

u1 =
u1.bind("", 4913)
u1.send "message-to-self", 0, "", 4913
p u1.recvfrom(10) #=> ["message-to", ["AF_INET", 4913, "localhost", ""]]

Returns underlying String object, the subject of IO.

Changes underlying String object, the subject of IO.

Returns the current line number in strio. The stringio must be opened for reading. lineno counts the number of times gets is called, rather than the number of newlines encountered. The two values will differ if gets is called with a separator other than newline. See also the $. variable.

Manually sets the current line number to the given value. $. is updated only on the next read.

Positions strio to the beginning of input, resetting lineno to zero.

This is a deprecated alias for each_line.

This is a deprecated alias for each_codepoint.

See IO#readlines.

Returns the string being scanned.

Changes the string being scanned to str and resets the scanner. Returns str.

Returns the byte position of the scan pointer. In the ‘reset’ position, this value is zero. In the ‘terminated’ position (i.e. the string is exhausted), this value is the bytesize of the string.

In short, it’s a 0-based index into bytes of the string.

s ='test string')
s.pos               # -> 0
s.scan_until /str/  # -> "test str"
s.pos               # -> 8
s.terminate         # -> #<StringScanner fin>
s.pos               # -> 11

Set the byte position of the scan pointer.

s ='test string')
s.pos = 7            # -> 7               # -> "ring"

Tests whether the given pattern is matched from the current scan pointer. Returns the length of the match, or nil. The scan pointer is not advanced.

s ='test string')
p s.match?(/\w+/)   # -> 4
p s.match?(/\w+/)   # -> 4
p s.match?(/\s+/)   # -> nil

Returns true iff the last match was successful.

s ='test string')
s.match?(/\w+/)     # => 4
s.matched?          # => true
s.match?(/\d+/)     # => nil
s.matched?          # => false

Returns the last matched string.

s ='test string')
s.match?(/\w+/)     # -> 4
s.matched           # -> "test"

Returns a string that represents the StringScanner object, showing:

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