Results for: "max_by"

This is a deprecated alias for each_byte.

Returns a random binary string containing size bytes.

random_string = # => "\xD7:R\xAB?\x83\xCE\xFAkO"
random_string.size                   # => 10

Returns a random binary string. The argument size specifies the length of the returned string.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Creates a new Socket::Option object which contains a byte as data.

p Socket::Option.byte(:INET, :SOCKET, :KEEPALIVE, 1)
#=> #<Socket::Option: INET SOCKET KEEPALIVE 1>

Returns the data in sockopt as an byte.

sockopt = Socket::Option.byte(:INET, :SOCKET, :KEEPALIVE, 1)
p sockopt.byte => 1

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

This is a deprecated alias for each_byte.

No documentation available

True if version satisfies this Requirement.

Returns the total size in bytes of all the messages on the POP server.

This doesn’t yet handle encodings

No documentation available

Returns the discarded bytes when Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError occurs.

ec ="EUC-JP", "ISO-8859-1")
rescue Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError
  p $!      #=> #<Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xA1" followed by "\xFF" on EUC-JP>
  puts $!.error_bytes.dump          #=> "\xA1"
  puts $!.readagain_bytes.dump      #=> "\xFF"

Returns the bytes to be read again when Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError occurs.

Calls the given block once for each byte in the stream.

Generates a String with length number of cryptographically strong pseudo-random bytes.


#=> "..."

Generates a String with length number of pseudo-random bytes.

Pseudo-random byte sequences generated by ::pseudo_bytes will be unique if they are of sufficient length, but are not necessarily unpredictable.


#=> "..."

Queries the entropy gathering daemon EGD on socket path given by filename.

Fetches length number of bytes and uses ::add to seed the OpenSSL built-in PRNG.

SecureRandom.random_bytes generates a random binary string.

The argument n specifies the length of the result string.

If n is not specified or is nil, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in future.

The result may contain any byte: “x00” - “xff”.

require 'securerandom'

SecureRandom.random_bytes #=> "\xD8\\\xE0\xF4\r\xB2\xFC*WM\xFF\x83\x18\xF45\xB6"
SecureRandom.random_bytes #=> "m\xDC\xFC/\a\x00Uf\xB2\xB2P\xBD\xFF6S\x97"

If a secure random number generator is not available, NotImplementedError is raised.

No documentation available

Number of bytes read out of the tar entry

Determines whether the given ‘requirement` is satisfied by the given `spec`, in the context of the current `activated` dependency graph.

@param [Object] requirement @param [DependencyGraph] activated the current dependency graph in the

resolution process.

@param [Object] spec @return [Boolean] whether ‘requirement` is satisfied by `spec` in the

context of the current `activated` dependency graph.
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