Results for: "tally"

Returns true if this is a unitary matrix Raises an error if matrix is not square.

Returns a new matrix resulting by stacking horizontally the receiver with the given matrices

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
x.hstack(y) # => Matrix[[1, 2, 5, 6], [3, 4, 7, 8]]

Returns a new matrix resulting by stacking vertically the receiver with the given matrices

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
x.vstack(y) # => Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]

Returns the real part of the matrix.

Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]]
  => 1+2i  i  0
        1  2  3
Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]].real
  =>    1  0  0
        1  2  3
No documentation available

Collects (as in Enumerable#collect) over the elements of this vector and v in conjunction.

Like Array#collect.

Like Array#collect!

Returns a new vector with the same direction but with norm 1.

v = Vector[5,8,2].normalize
# => Vector[0.5184758473652127, 0.8295613557843402, 0.20739033894608505]
v.norm => 1.0

Looks up the first IP address for name.

Looks up all IP address for name.

Looks up the first IP address for name.

Looks up all IP address for name.

Replaces the elements with ones returned by collect(). Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Sends the given signal to the given job

Returns internal information of TracePoint.

The contents of the returned value are implementation specific. It may be changed in future.

This method is only for debugging TracePoint itself.

Basically the same as ::new. However, if class Thread is subclassed, then calling start in that subclass will not invoke the subclass’s initialize method.

Causes the given thread to exit, see also Thread::exit.

count = 0
a = { loop { count += 1 } }
sleep(0.1)       #=> 0
Thread.kill(a)   #=> #<Thread:0x401b3d30 dead>
count            #=> 93947
a.alive?         #=> false

Waits for thr to complete, using join, and returns its value or raises the exception which terminated the thread.

a = { 2 + 2 }
a.value   #=> 4

b = { raise 'something went wrong' }
b.value   #=> RuntimeError: something went wrong

Terminates thr and schedules another thread to be run.

If this thread is already marked to be killed, exit returns the Thread.

If this is the main thread, or the last thread, exits the process.

Returns the status of thr.


Returned if this thread is sleeping or waiting on I/O


When this thread is executing


If this thread is aborting


When this thread is terminated normally


If terminated with an exception.

a = { raise("die now") }
b = { Thread.stop }
c = { Thread.exit }
d = { sleep }
d.kill                  #=> #<Thread:0x401b3678 aborting>
a.status                #=> nil
b.status                #=> "sleep"
c.status                #=> false
d.status                #=> "aborting"
Thread.current.status   #=> "run"

See also the instance methods alive? and stop?

Returns true if thr is running or sleeping.

thr = { }
thr.join                #=> #<Thread:0x401b3fb0 dead>
Thread.current.alive?   #=> true
thr.alive?              #=> false

See also stop? and status.

Wakes up the first thread in line waiting for this lock.

Return the tag object which was called for.

Return the return value which was called for.

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