Results for: "module_function"

Base server class

exception to wait for reading. see

exception to wait for writing. see

No documentation available


When using Psych.load to deserialize a YAML document, the document is translated to an intermediary AST. That intermediary AST is then translated in to a Ruby object graph.

In the opposite direction, when using Psych.dump, the Ruby object graph is translated to an intermediary AST which is then converted to a YAML document.

Psych::Nodes contains all of the classes that make up the nodes of a YAML AST. You can manually build an AST and use one of the visitors (see Psych::Visitors) to convert that AST to either a YAML document or to a Ruby object graph.

Here is an example of building an AST that represents a list with one scalar:

# Create our nodes
stream =
doc    =
seq    =
scalar ='foo')

# Build up our tree
stream.children << doc
doc.children    << seq
seq.children    << scalar

The stream is the root of the tree. We can then convert the tree to YAML:

stream.to_yaml => "---\n- foo\n"

Or convert it to Ruby:

stream.to_ruby => [["foo"]]

YAML AST Requirements

A valid YAML AST must have one Psych::Nodes::Stream at the root. A Psych::Nodes::Stream node must have 1 or more Psych::Nodes::Document nodes as children.

Psych::Nodes::Document nodes must have one and only one child. That child may be one of:

Psych::Nodes::Sequence and Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes may have many children, but Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes should have an even number of children.

All of these are valid children for Psych::Nodes::Sequence and Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes:

Psych::Nodes::Scalar and Psych::Nodes::Alias are both terminal nodes and should not have any children.

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The GC profiler provides access to information on GC runs including time, length and object space size.



require 'rdoc/rdoc'


See also GC.count, GC.malloc_allocated_size and GC.malloc_allocations

No documentation available

The Observable module extended to DRb. See Observable for details.

Utility module to define eRuby script as instance method.



<% for item in @items %>
<b><%= item %></b>
<% end %>


require 'erb'
class MyClass
  extend ERB::DefMethod
  def_erb_method('render()', 'example.rhtml')
  def initialize(items)
    @items = items




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Extends command line arguments array (ARGV) to parse itself.

Acceptable argument classes. Now contains DecimalInteger, OctalInteger and DecimalNumeric. See Acceptable argument classes (in source code).

No documentation available

Represents a node in the tree. Nodes are never encountered except as superclasses of other objects. Nodes have siblings.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Represents the primitive object id for OpenSSL::ASN1

No documentation available
No documentation available

Error raised upon an unknown response from the server.

IO wrapper that creates digests of contents written to the IO it wraps.

Used internally to indicate that a dependency conflicted with a spec that would be activated.

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