Results for: "Data"

This is the JSON generator implemented as a C extension. It can be configured to be used by setting

JSON.generator = JSON::Ext::Generator

with the method generator= in JSON.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Patterns used to parse URI’s

Module providing generic support for both Digest and Basic authentication schemes.

Module providing generic support for both Digest and Basic authentication schemes for proxies.

No documentation available

DateConstruct indicating the most recent time when a Feed or Entry was modified in a way the publisher considers significant.


No documentation available

A state that encapsulates a set of {#requirements} with an {Array} of possibilities

A state that encapsulates a single possibility to fulfill the given {#requirement}

No documentation available
No documentation available

Contains information about a category associated with a Feed or Entry. It has the following attributes:


Contains information on the agent used to generate the feed.


No documentation available
Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 1681