Results for: "Pathname"

Executes block for each key in the database, passing the key and the corresponding value as a parameter.

Deserializes JSON string by constructing new Struct object with values t serialized by to_json.

Yields all attributes (as symbols) along with the corresponding values or returns an enumerator if no block is given.

require "ostruct"
data ="country" => "Australia", :capital => "Canberra")
data.each_pair.to_a   # => [[:country, "Australia"], [:capital, "Canberra"]]

Deserializes JSON string by constructing new Range object with arguments a serialized by to_json.

Deserializes JSON string by constructing new Regexp object with source s (Regexp or String) and options o serialized by to_json

The first form returns the MatchData object generated by the last successful pattern match. Equivalent to reading the special global variable $~ (see Special global variables in Regexp for details).

The second form returns the nth field in this MatchData object. n can be a string or symbol to reference a named capture.

Note that the last_match is local to the thread and method scope of the method that did the pattern match.

/c(.)t/ =~ 'cat'        #=> 0
Regexp.last_match       #=> #<MatchData "cat" 1:"a">
Regexp.last_match(0)    #=> "cat"
Regexp.last_match(1)    #=> "a"
Regexp.last_match(2)    #=> nil

/(?<lhs>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<rhs>\w+)/ =~ "var = val"
Regexp.last_match       #=> #<MatchData "var = val" lhs:"var" rhs:"val">
Regexp.last_match(:lhs) #=> "var"
Regexp.last_match(:rhs) #=> "val"

Deserializes JSON string by converting the string value stored in the object to a Symbol

Returns true if this class can be used to create an instance from a serialised JSON string. The class has to implement a class method json_create that expects a hash as first parameter. The hash should include the required data.

Returns an Array of values corresponding to the given keys.

Iterates over each key-value pair in the database.

If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.

creates an Addrinfo object from the arguments.

The arguments are interpreted as similar to self.

Addrinfo.tcp("", 4649).family_addrinfo("", 80)
#=> #<Addrinfo: TCP (>

#=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock2 SOCK_STREAM>

creates a new Socket connected to the address of local_addrinfo.

If local_addrinfo is nil, the address of the socket is not bound.

The timeout specify the seconds for timeout. Errno::ETIMEDOUT is raised when timeout occur.

If a block is given the created socket is yielded for each address.

Returns the IP address and port number as 2-element array.

Addrinfo.tcp("", 80).ip_unpack    #=> ["", 80]
Addrinfo.tcp("::1", 80).ip_unpack          #=> ["::1", 80]

Returns true for IPv4 private address (,, It returns false otherwise.

Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of the file. If strio is write mode and no encoding is specified, returns nil.

Returns the Encoding of the internal string if conversion is specified. Otherwise returns nil.

Returns the size of the most recent match (see matched), or nil if there was no recent match.

s ='test string')
s.check /\w+/           # -> "test"
s.matched_size          # -> 4
s.check /\d+/           # -> nil
s.matched_size          # -> nil

Returns the pre-match

(in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
s ='test string')
s.scan(/\w+/)           # -> "test"
s.scan(/\s+/)           # -> " "
s.pre_match             # -> "test"
s.post_match            # -> "string"

Returns the post-match

(in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
s ='test string')
s.scan(/\w+/)           # -> "test"
s.scan(/\s+/)           # -> " "
s.pre_match             # -> "test"
s.post_match            # -> "string"

Returns the subgroups in the most recent match at the given indices. If nothing was priorly matched, it returns nil.

s ="Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> ["Fri Dec 12 ", "12", nil, "Dec"]
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> nil
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> nil

Creates GUID.

WIN32OLE.create_guid # => {1CB530F1-F6B1-404D-BCE6-1959BF91F4A8}

Translates and dispatches Windows message.

Calls block once for each key in hsh, passing the key-value pair as parameters.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

h = { "a" => 100, "b" => 200 }
h.each {|key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}" }


a is 100
b is 200

Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys. Also see

h = { "cat" => "feline", "dog" => "canine", "cow" => "bovine" }
h.values_at("cow", "cat")  #=> ["bovine", "feline"]

Yields each environment variable name and value.

If no block is given an Enumerator is returned.

Search took: 12ms  ·  Total Results: 2628