Results for: "match"

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Creates an unsigned certificate for subject and key. The lifetime of the key is from the current time to age which defaults to one year.

The extensions restrict the key to the indicated uses.

Creates a new key pair of the specified length and algorithm. The default is a 3072 bit RSA key.

Enumerates the trusted certificates via Gem::Security::TrustDir.

No documentation available

Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code

Escapes path str

Creates TCP server sockets bound to address:port and returns them.

It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces.

Creates TCP server sockets bound to address:port and returns them.

It will create IPV4 and IPV6 sockets on all interfaces.

Change the current process’s real and effective user ID to that specified by user. Returns the new user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::UID.change_privilege(31)    #=> 31
[Process.uid, Process.euid]          #=> [31, 31]

Exchange real and effective user IDs and return the new effective user ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.uid, Process.euid]   #=> [0, 31]
Process::UID.re_exchange      #=> 0
[Process.uid, Process.euid]   #=> [31, 0]

Returns true if the real and effective user IDs of a process may be exchanged on the current platform.

Change the current process’s real and effective group ID to that specified by group. Returns the new group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [0, 0]
Process::GID.change_privilege(33)    #=> 33
[Process.gid, Process.egid]          #=> [33, 33]

Exchange real and effective group IDs and return the new effective group ID. Not available on all platforms.

[Process.gid, Process.egid]   #=> [0, 33]
Process::GID.re_exchange      #=> 0
[Process.gid, Process.egid]   #=> [33, 0]

Returns true if the real and effective group IDs of a process may be exchanged on the current platform.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Attempts to activate the current {#possibility} @return [void]

Search took: 6ms  ·  Total Results: 2093