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Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command. Defines an instance method which will execute a command under an alternative name.

Shell.alias_command('date_in_utc', 'date', '-u') # => Sat Jan 25 16:59:57 UTC 2014

Convenience method for Shell::CommandProcessor.unalias_command

Specifies the threads that this object will wait for, but does not actually wait.

Specifies the threads that this object will wait for, but does not actually wait.

Changes asynchronous interrupt timing.

interrupt means asynchronous event and corresponding procedure by Thread#raise, Thread#kill, signal trap (not supported yet) and main thread termination (if main thread terminates, then all other thread will be killed).

The given hash has pairs like ExceptionClass => :TimingSymbol. Where the ExceptionClass is the interrupt handled by the given block. The TimingSymbol can be one of the following symbols:


Invoke interrupts immediately.


Invoke interrupts while BlockingOperation.


Never invoke all interrupts.

BlockingOperation means that the operation will block the calling thread, such as read and write. On CRuby implementation, BlockingOperation is any operation executed without GVL.

Masked asynchronous interrupts are delayed until they are enabled. This method is similar to sigprocmask(3).


Asynchronous interrupts are difficult to use.

If you need to communicate between threads, please consider to use another way such as Queue.

Or use them with deep understanding about this method.


In this example, we can guard from Thread#raise exceptions.

Using the :never TimingSymbol the RuntimeError exception will always be ignored in the first block of the main thread. In the second ::handle_interrupt block we can purposefully handle RuntimeError exceptions.

th = do
  Thread.handle_interrupt(RuntimeError => :never) {
      # You can write resource allocation code safely.
      Thread.handle_interrupt(RuntimeError => :immediate) {
        # ...
      # You can write resource deallocation code safely.
# ...
th.raise "stop"

While we are ignoring the RuntimeError exception, it’s safe to write our resource allocation code. Then, the ensure block is where we can safely deallocate your resources.

Guarding from Timeout::Error

In the next example, we will guard from the Timeout::Error exception. This will help prevent from leaking resources when Timeout::Error exceptions occur during normal ensure clause. For this example we use the help of the standard library Timeout, from lib/timeout.rb

require 'timeout'
Thread.handle_interrupt(Timeout::Error => :never) {
    # Timeout::Error doesn't occur here
    Thread.handle_interrupt(Timeout::Error => :on_blocking) {
      # possible to be killed by Timeout::Error
      # while blocking operation
    # Timeout::Error doesn't occur here

In the first part of the timeout block, we can rely on Timeout::Error being ignored. Then in the Timeout::Error => :on_blocking block, any operation that will block the calling thread is susceptible to a Timeout::Error exception being raised.

Stack control settings

It’s possible to stack multiple levels of ::handle_interrupt blocks in order to control more than one ExceptionClass and TimingSymbol at a time.

Thread.handle_interrupt(FooError => :never) {
  Thread.handle_interrupt(BarError => :never) {
     # FooError and BarError are prohibited.

Inheritance with ExceptionClass

All exceptions inherited from the ExceptionClass parameter will be considered.

Thread.handle_interrupt(Exception => :never) {
  # all exceptions inherited from Exception are prohibited.

Returns the original name of the method.

class C
  def foo; end
  alias bar foo
C.instance_method(:bar).original_name # => :foo

Returns the original name of the method.

class C
  def foo; end
  alias bar foo
C.instance_method(:bar).original_name # => :foo

Returns the number of threads waiting on the queue.

Returns the number of threads waiting on the queue.

Return class or module of the method being called.

class C; def foo; end; end
trace = do |tp|
  p tp.defined_class #=> C
end.enable do

If method is defined by a module, then that module is returned.

module M; def foo; end; end
class C; include M; end;
trace = do |tp|
  p tp.defined_class #=> M
end.enable do

Note: defined_class returns singleton class.

6th block parameter of Kernel#set_trace_func passes original class of attached by singleton class.

This is a difference between Kernel#set_trace_func and TracePoint.

class C; def; end; end
trace = do |tp|
  p tp.defined_class #=> #<Class:C>
end.enable do

Returns a pretty printed object as a string.

In order to use this method you must first require the PP module:

require 'pp'

See the PP module for more information.

Returns an array containing all elements of enum for which the given block returns a true value.

If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned instead.

(1..10).find_all { |i|  i % 3 == 0 }   #=> [3, 6, 9]

[1,2,3,4,5].select { |num|  num.even?  }   #=> [2, 4]

See also Enumerable#reject.

Returns a new array with the concatenated results of running block once for every element in enum.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

[1, 2, 3, 4].flat_map { |e| [e, -e] } #=> [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]].flat_map { |e| e + [100] } #=> [1, 2, 100, 3, 4, 100]

Returns the original line from source for from the given object.

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Returns the full line that is being edited. This is useful from within the complete_proc for determining the context of the completion request.

The length of Readline.line_buffer and GNU Readline’s rl_end are same.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Clear the current input line.

Insert text into the line at the current cursor position.

See GNU Readline’s rl_insert_text function.

Raises NotImplementedError if the using readline library does not support.

Combine two Adler-32 check values in to one. alder1 is the first Adler-32 value, adler2 is the second Adler-32 value. len2 is the length of the string used to generate adler2.

Combine two CRC-32 check values in to one. crc1 is the first CRC-32 value, crc2 is the second CRC-32 value. len2 is the length of the string used to generate crc2.

Returns the number of malloc() allocations.

Only available if ruby was built with CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE.

Set the default ACL to acl.

See DRb::DRbServer.default_acl.

Set the default ACL to acl.

See DRb::DRbServer.default_acl.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Takes a hash as its argument. The key is a symbol or an array of symbols. These symbols correspond to method names. The value is the accessor to which the methods will be delegated.

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