Results for: "tally"

444 No Response - Nginx 449 Retry With - Microsoft 450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls - Microsoft 499 Client Closed Request - Nginx

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Represents an SMTP command syntax error (error code 500)

Raises when switch is undefined.

Raises when the given argument does not match required format.

An implementation of PseudoPrimeGenerator which uses a prime table generated by trial division.

Internal use. An implementation of prime table by trial division method.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Raised when a hash-based tuple has an invalid key.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

The InvalidRSSError error is the base class for a variety of errors related to a poorly-formed RSS feed. Rescue this error if you only care that a file could be invalid, but don’t care how it is invalid.

Since RSS is based on XML, it must have opening and closing tags that match. If they don’t, a MissingTagError will be raised.

Some tags must only exist a specific number of times in a given RSS feed. If a feed has too many occurrences of one of these tags, a TooMuchTagError will be raised.

RSS does not allow for free-form tag names, so if an RSS feed contains a tag that we don’t know about, an UnknownTagError is raised.

Raised when an unexpected tag is encountered.

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No documentation available

Potentially raised when a specification is validated.

Create a package based upon a Gem::Specification. Gem packages, as well as zip files and tar/gzipped packages can be produced by this task.

In addition to the Rake targets generated by Rake::PackageTask, a Gem::PackageTask will also generate the following tasks:


Create a RubyGems package with the given name and version.

Example using a Gem::Specification:

require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/package_task'

spec = do |s|
  s.summary = "Ruby based make-like utility." = 'rake'
  s.version = PKG_VERSION
  s.requirements << 'none'
  s.files = PKG_FILES
  s.description = <<-EOF
Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks
and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.
end do |pkg|
  pkg.need_zip = true
  pkg.need_tar = true
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Validator performs various gem file and gem database validation

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