Results for: "strip"

Performs a Net::HTTP request of type request_class on uri returning a Net::HTTP response object. request maintains a table of persistent connections to reduce connect overhead.

Installs gems for this RequestSet using the Gem::Installer options.

If a block is given an activation request and installer are yielded. The installer will be nil if a gem matching the request was already installed.

Creates server sockets based on the addresses option. If no addresses were given a server socket for all interfaces is created.

Returns the first source in the list.

Returns a Gem::StubSpecification for every installed gem

Recursively walk dependencies of this spec, executing the block for each hop.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem directory, and the cached .gem file.

Prints a formatted backtrace to the errors stream if backtraces are enabled.

No documentation available

Tests if the given command exists in file1, or optionally file2.


sh[?e, "foo"]
sh[:e, "foo"]
sh["e", "foo"]
sh[:exists?, "foo"]
sh["exists?", "foo"]

Executes the given command with the options parameter.


print sh.system("ls", "-l")
sh.system("ls", "-l") | sh.head > STDOUT

Executes a block as self


sh.transact { system("ls", "-l") | head > STDOUT }
No documentation available

Sets userinfo, argument is string like ‘name:pass’

returns the userinfo, either as ‘user’ or ‘user:password’





public setter for the host component v. (with validation)

see also URI::Generic.check_host


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("") = ""
# =>  ""
#=> #<URI::HTTP:0x000000008e89e8 URL:>

extract the host part of the URI and unwrap brackets for IPv6 addresses.

This method is same as URI::Generic#host except brackets for IPv6 (and future IP) addresses are removed.

u = URI("http://[::1]/bar")
p u.hostname      #=> "::1"
p          #=> "[::1]"

set the host part of the URI as the argument with brackets for IPv6 addresses.

This method is same as URI::Generic#host= except the argument can be bare IPv6 address.

u = URI("http://foo/bar")
p u.to_s                  #=> "http://foo/bar"
u.hostname = "::1"
p u.to_s                  #=> "http://[::1]/bar"

If the argument seems IPv6 address, it is wrapped by brackets.



String to search


Patterns to apply to str


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs If no block given , then returns the result, else it calls block for each element in result.

see also URI::Parser.make_regexp



String to search


Patterns to apply to str


Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs If no block given , then returns the result, else it calls block for each element in result.

see also URI::Parser.make_regexp

Starts the CGI process with the given environment env and standard input and output stdin and stdout.

The host this request is for

Sets the response’s status to the status code

Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1762