Results for: "Data"

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True when the gem has been activated

Platform of the gem

Return the authoritative instance of the command manager.

Returns self. Allows a CommandManager instance to stand in for the class itself.

Does this dependency match the specification described by name and version or match spec?

NOTE: Unlike matches_spec? this method does not return true when the version is a prerelease version unless this is a prerelease dependency.

Installs the gem dep_or_name and all its dependencies. Returns an Array of installed gem specifications.

If the :prerelease option is set and there is a prerelease for dep_or_name the prerelease version will be installed.

Unless explicitly specified as a prerelease dependency, prerelease gems that dep_or_name depend on will not be installed.

If c-1.a depends on b-1 and a-1.a and there is a gem b-1.a available then c-1.a, b-1 and a-1.a will be installed. b-1.a will need to be installed separately.

Construct an installer object for the gem file located at path

Installs the gem and returns a loaded Gem::Specification for the installed gem.

The gem will be installed with the following structure:

  cache/<gem-version>.gem #=> a cached copy of the installed gem
  gems/<gem-version>/... #=> extracted files
  specifications/<gem-version>.gemspec #=> the Gem::Specification
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Installs gems for this RequestSet using the Gem::Installer options.

If a block is given an activation request and installer are yielded. The installer will be nil if a gem matching the request was already installed.

Factory method to create a Gem::Requirement object. Input may be a Version, a String, or nil. Intended to simplify client code.

If the input is “weird”, the default version requirement is returned.

Concatenates the new requirements onto this requirement.

Factory method to create a Version object. Input may be a Version or a String. Intended to simplify client code.

ver1 = Version.create('1.3.17')   # -> (Version object)
ver2 = Version.create(ver1)       # -> (ver1)
ver3 = Version.create(nil)        # -> nil

The platform this gem runs on.

This is usually Gem::Platform::RUBY or Gem::Platform::CURRENT.

Most gems contain pure Ruby code; they should simply leave the default value in place. Some gems contain C (or other) code to be compiled into a Ruby “extension”. The gem should leave the default value in place unless the code will only compile on a certain type of system. Some gems consist of pre-compiled code (“binary gems”). It’s especially important that they set the platform attribute appropriately. A shortcut is to set the platform to Gem::Platform::CURRENT, which will cause the gem builder to set the platform to the appropriate value for the system on which the build is being performed.

If this attribute is set to a non-default value, it will be included in the filename of the gem when it is built such as: nokogiri-1.6.0-x86-mingw32.gem


spec.platform = Gem::Platform.local

Executables included in the gem.

For example, the rake gem has rake as an executable. You don’t specify the full path (as in bin/rake); all application-style files are expected to be found in bindir. These files must be executable Ruby files. Files that use bash or other interpreters will not work.

Executables included may only be ruby scripts, not scripts for other languages or compiled binaries.


spec.executables << 'rake'

Activate this spec, registering it as a loaded spec and adding it’s lib paths to $LOAD_PATH. Returns true if the spec was activated, false if it was previously activated. Freaks out if there are conflicts upon activation.

Abbreviate the spec for downloading. Abbreviated specs are only used for searching, downloading and related activities and do not need deployment specific information (e.g. list of files). So we abbreviate the spec, making it much smaller for quicker downloads.

Singular accessor for executables

Singular accessor for executables

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