Results for: "match"

Returns num truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits (default: 0).

Numeric implements this by converting its value to a Float and invoking Float#truncate.

Returns true if num is less than 0.

Returns the numerator.

Returns the denominator (always positive).

Returns a one-character string at the beginning of the string.

a = "abcde"
a.chr    #=> "a"

Returns an array of characters in str. This is a shorthand for str.each_char.to_a.

If a block is given, which is a deprecated form, works the same as each_char.

Concatenates the given object(s) to str. If an object is an Integer, it is considered a codepoint and converted to a character before concatenation.

concat can take multiple arguments, and all the arguments are concatenated in order.

a = "hello "
a.concat("world", 33)      #=> "hello world!"
a                          #=> "hello world!"

b = "sn"
b.concat("_", b, "_", b)   #=> "sn_sn_sn"

See also String#<<, which takes a single argument.

Returns a new String with the last character removed. If the string ends with \r\n, both characters are removed. Applying chop to an empty string returns an empty string. String#chomp is often a safer alternative, as it leaves the string unchanged if it doesn’t end in a record separator.

"string\r\n".chop   #=> "string"
"string\n\r".chop   #=> "string\n"
"string\n".chop     #=> "string"
"string".chop       #=> "strin"
"x".chop.chop       #=> ""

Returns a new String with the given record separator removed from the end of str (if present). If $/ has not been changed from the default Ruby record separator, then chomp also removes carriage return characters (that is it will remove \n, \r, and \r\n). If $/ is an empty string, it will remove all trailing newlines from the string.

"hello".chomp                #=> "hello"
"hello\n".chomp              #=> "hello"
"hello\r\n".chomp            #=> "hello"
"hello\n\r".chomp            #=> "hello\n"
"hello\r".chomp              #=> "hello"
"hello \n there".chomp       #=> "hello \n there"
"hello".chomp("llo")         #=> "he"
"hello\r\n\r\n".chomp('')    #=> "hello"
"hello\r\n\r\r\n".chomp('')  #=> "hello\r\n\r"

Processes str as for String#chop, returning str, or nil if str is the empty string. See also String#chomp!.

Modifies str in place as described for String#chomp, returning str, or nil if no modifications were made.

Returns the absolute value of float.

(-34.56).abs   #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs     #=> 34.56
34.56.abs      #=> 34.56

Float#magnitude is an alias for Float#abs.

Returns float truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits (default: 0).

When the precision is negative, the returned value is an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros.

Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, otherwise returns an integer.

2.8.truncate           #=> 2
(-2.8).truncate        #=> -2
1.234567.truncate(2)   #=> 1.23
34567.89.truncate(-2)  #=> 34500

Note that the limited precision of floating point arithmetic might lead to surprising results:

(0.3 / 0.1).truncate  #=> 2 (!)

Returns true if float is less than 0.

Returns the numerator. The result is machine dependent.

n = 0.3.numerator    #=> 5404319552844595
d = 0.3.denominator  #=> 18014398509481984
n.fdiv(d)            #=> 0.3

See also Float#denominator.

Returns the denominator (always positive). The result is machine dependent.

See also Float#numerator.

Returns a simpler approximation of the value (flt-|eps| <= result <= flt+|eps|). If the optional argument eps is not given, it will be chosen automatically.

0.3.rationalize          #=> (3/10)
1.333.rationalize        #=> (1333/1000)
1.333.rationalize(0.01)  #=> (4/3)

See also Float#to_r.

Calls the block once for each entry in the named directory, passing the filename of each entry as a parameter to the block.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

Dir.foreach("testdir") {|x| puts "Got #{x}" }


Got .
Got ..
Got config.h
Got main.rb

Returns an array containing all of the filenames except for “.” and “..” in the given directory. Will raise a SystemCallError if the named directory doesn’t exist.

The optional encoding keyword argument specifies the encoding of the directory. If not specified, the filesystem encoding is used.

Dir.children("testdir")   #=> ["config.h", "main.rb"]

Returns the path parameter passed to dir’s constructor.

d ="..")
d.path   #=> ".."

Calls the block once for each entry in this directory, passing the filename of each entry as a parameter to the block.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

d ="testdir")
d.each  {|x| puts "Got #{x}" }


Got .
Got ..
Got config.h
Got main.rb

Changes the current working directory of the process to the given string. When called without an argument, changes the directory to the value of the environment variable HOME, or LOGDIR. SystemCallError (probably Errno::ENOENT) if the target directory does not exist.

If a block is given, it is passed the name of the new current directory, and the block is executed with that as the current directory. The original working directory is restored when the block exits. The return value of chdir is the value of the block. chdir blocks can be nested, but in a multi-threaded program an error will be raised if a thread attempts to open a chdir block while another thread has one open.

puts Dir.pwd
Dir.chdir("/tmp") do
  puts Dir.pwd
  Dir.chdir("/usr") do
    puts Dir.pwd
  puts Dir.pwd
puts Dir.pwd



Changes this process’s idea of the file system root. Only a privileged process may make this call. Not available on all platforms. On Unix systems, see chroot(2) for more information.

Returns a File::Stat object for the named file (see File::Stat).

File.stat("testfile").mtime   #=> Tue Apr 08 12:58:04 CDT 2003

Same as File::stat, but does not follow the last symbolic link. Instead, reports on the link itself.

File.symlink("testfile", "link2test")   #=> 0
File.stat("testfile").size              #=> 66
File.lstat("link2test").size            #=> 8
File.stat("link2test").size             #=> 66
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