Results for: "max_by"

Creates a Rinda::Tuple for ary.

Try to get the XML associated with rss. Return rss if it already looks like XML, or treat it as a URI, or a file to get the XML,

maybe_xml? tests if source is a string that looks like XML.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Register the Symbol command as a gem command.

Unregister the Symbol command as a gem command.

Return a sorted list of all command names as strings.

No documentation available

Does this dependency match spec?

NOTE: This is not a convenience method. Unlike match? this method returns true when spec is a prerelease version even if this dependency is not a prerelease dependency.

No documentation available

Defaults to use Ruby’s program prefix and suffix.

Indicate if this NameTuple matches the current platform.

This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3

Dump only the raw version string, not the complete object. It’s a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.

Load custom marshal format. It’s a string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.

A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.

Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version.

Returns whether or not the nmake command could be found.

Returns a list of aliased commands

Creates a command alias at the given alias for the given command, passing any options along with it.

Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command "lsC", "ls", "-CBF", "--show-control-chars"
Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command("lsC", "ls"){|*opts| ["-CBF", "--show-control-chars", *opts]}

Unaliases the given alias command.

Returns the RFC822 e-mail text equivalent of the URL, as a String.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
# => "To:\nSubject: subscribe\nCc: myaddr\n\n\n"

returns Regexp that is default self.regexp, unless schemes is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern

returns Regexp that is default self.regexp, unless schemes is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern

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