Results for: "max_by"

Allocates a C struct with the types provided.

When the instance is garbage collected, the C function func is called.

Allocates a C union the types provided.

When the instance is garbage collected, the C function func is called.

Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(size, freefunc = nil)  => fiddle pointer instance

Allocate size bytes of memory and associate it with an optional freefunc that will be called when the pointer is garbage collected.

freefunc must be an address pointing to a function or an instance of Fiddle::Function

Emit a map. The coder will be yielded to the block.

Emit a map with value

Returns a Psych::Parser::Mark object that contains line, column, and index information.

Returns the netmask address of ifaddr. nil is returned if netmask is not available in ifaddr.

Returns the contents of this Tms object as a formatted string, according to a format string like that passed to Kernel.format. In addition, format accepts the following extensions:


Replaced by the user CPU time, as reported by Tms#utime.


Replaced by the system CPU time, as reported by stime (Mnemonic: y of “s*y*stem”)


Replaced by the children’s user CPU time, as reported by Tms#cutime


Replaced by the children’s system CPU time, as reported by Tms#cstime


Replaced by the total CPU time, as reported by Tms#total


Replaced by the elapsed real time, as reported by Tms#real


Replaced by the label string, as reported by Tms#label (Mnemonic: n of “*n*ame”)

If format is not given, FORMAT is used as default value, detailing the user, system and real elapsed time.

Matches addr against this entry.

Matches addr against each ACLEntry in this list.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the number of messages on the POP server.

Returns an array of Net::POPMail objects, representing all the messages on the server. This array is renewed when the session restarts; otherwise, it is fetched from the server the first time this method is called (directly or indirectly) and cached.

This method raises a POPError if an error occurs.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Produces the summary text. Each line of the summary is yielded to the block (without newline).


Already summarized short style options keyed hash.


Already summarized long style options keyed hash.


Width of left side (option part). In other words, the right side (description part) starts after width columns.


Maximum width of left side -> the options are filled within max columns.


Prefix string indents all summarized lines.

Creates the summary table, passing each line to the block (without newline). The arguments args are passed along to the summarize method which is called on every option.

Completion for hash key.

Evaluates whether the given string matches an entity definition, returning true if so, and false otherwise.

Evaluates to the unnormalized value of this entity; that is, replacing all entities – both %ent; and &ent; entities. This differs from +value()+ in that value only replaces %ent; entities.

Returns the value of this entity unprocessed – raw. This is the normalized value; that is, with all %ent; and &ent; entities intact

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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