Results for: "max_by"

This method is equivalent to strftime(‘%FT%T%:z’). The optional argument n is the number of digits for fractional seconds.

                          #=> "2001-02-03T04:05:06.123456789+07:00"

Parses date as a dateTime defined by the XML Schema and converts it to a Time object. The format is a restricted version of the format defined by ISO 8601.

ArgumentError is raised if date is not compliant with the format or if the Time class cannot represent specified date.

See xmlschema for more information on this format.

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns a string which represents the time as a dateTime defined by XML Schema:


where TZD is Z or [+-]hh:mm.

If self is a UTC time, Z is used as TZD. [+-]hh:mm is used otherwise.

fractional_digits specifies a number of digits to use for fractional seconds. Its default value is 0.

You must require ‘time’ to use this method.

Returns a MatchData object describing the match, or nil if there was no match. This is equivalent to retrieving the value of the special variable $~ following a normal match. If the second parameter is present, it specifies the position in the string to begin the search.

/(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc")[2]   #=> "b"
/(.)(.)/.match("abc", 1)[2]   #=> "c"

If a block is given, invoke the block with MatchData if match succeed, so that you can write

/M(.*)/.match("Matz") do |m|
  puts m[0]
  puts m[1]

instead of

if m = /M(.*)/.match("Matz")
  puts m[0]
  puts m[1]

The return value is a value from block execution in this case.

Returns a true or false indicates whether the regexp is matched or not without updating $~ and other related variables. If the second parameter is present, it specifies the position in the string to begin the search.

/R.../.match?("Ruby")    #=> true
/R.../.match?("Ruby", 1) #=> false
/P.../.match?("Ruby")    #=> false
$&                       #=> nil

Returns sym.to_s.match(obj).

Returns sym.to_s.match?(obj).

Return true if the receiver matches the given pattern.

See File.fnmatch.

Return true if the receiver matches the given pattern.

See File.fnmatch.

Tests whether the given pattern is matched from the current scan pointer. Returns the length of the match, or nil. The scan pointer is not advanced.

s ='test string')
p s.match?(/\w+/)   # -> 4
p s.match?(/\w+/)   # -> 4
p s.match?(/\s+/)   # -> nil

Returns true iff the last match was successful.

s ='test string')
s.match?(/\w+/)     # => 4
s.matched?          # => true
s.match?(/\d+/)     # => nil
s.matched?          # => false

Returns the last matched string.

s ='test string')
s.match?(/\w+/)     # -> 4
s.matched           # -> "test"

Returns a new ipaddr built by masking IP address with the given prefixlen/netmask. (e.g. 8, 64, “”, etc.)

Set current netmask to given mask.

No documentation available

Returns true if this is a normal matrix. Raises an error if matrix is not square.

Returns the imaginary part of the matrix.

Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]]
  => 1+2i  i  0
        1  2  3
Matrix[[Complex(1,2), Complex(0,1), 0], [1, 2, 3]].imaginary
  =>   2i  i  0
        0  0  0
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the modulus (Pythagorean distance) of the vector.

Vector[5,8,2].r => 9.643650761

Like Vector#collect2, but returns a Vector instead of an Array.

Returns a new vector with the same direction but with norm 1.

v = Vector[5,8,2].normalize
# => Vector[0.5184758473652127, 0.8295613557843402, 0.20739033894608505]
v.norm => 1.0

Puts option summary into to and returns to. Yields each line if a block is given.


Output destination, which must have method <<. Defaults to [].


Width of left side, defaults to @summary_width.


Maximum length allowed for left side, defaults to width - 1.


Indentation, defaults to @summary_indent.

This is a convenience method which is same as follows:

  q =, maxwidth, newline, &genspace)

Returns the remainder after dividing big by numeric as:

x.remainder(y) means x-y*(x/y).truncate


5.remainder(3)    #=> 2
-5.remainder(3)   #=> -2
5.remainder(-3)   #=> 2
-5.remainder(-3)  #=> -2

-1234567890987654321.remainder(13731)      #=> -6966
-1234567890987654321.remainder(13731.24)   #=> -9906.22531493148

See Numeric#divmod.

Search took: 1ms  ·  Total Results: 621