Results for: "Pathname"

Defaults to use Ruby’s program prefix and suffix.

No documentation available
No documentation available

True if version satisfies this Requirement.

returns an integer in (-infty, 0] a number closer to 0 means the dependency is less constraining

dependencies w/ 0 or 1 possibilities (ignoring version requirements) are given very negative values, so they always sort first, before dependencies that are unconstrained

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns true when it is possible and safe to update the cache directory.

Return the list of all array-oriented instance variables.

Special loader for YAML files. When a Specification object is loaded from a YAML file, it bypasses the normal Ruby object initialization routine (initialize). This method makes up for that and deals with gems of different ages.

input can be anything that YAML.load() accepts: String or IO.

Return the latest specs, optionally including prerelease specs if prerelease is true.

Is name a required attribute?

Required specification attributes

Activate all unambiguously resolved runtime dependencies of this spec. Add any ambiguous dependencies to the unresolved list to be resolved later, as needed.

List of dependencies that are used for development

List of dependencies that will automatically be activated at runtime.

Checks to see if the files to be packaged are world-readable.

No documentation available

Sets the ENABLE_SHARED entry in RbConfig::CONFIG to value and restores the original value when the block ends

creates a temporary directory with hax TODO: deprecate and remove

Reads a binary file at path

Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

No documentation available

Unaliases the given alias command.

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