Results for: "match"

See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_KEY_get0_private_key()

See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_KEY_set_private_key()

Generates a new random private and public key.

See also the OpenSSL documentation for EC_KEY_generate_key()


ec ="prime256v1")
p ec.private_key # => nil
p ec.private_key # => #<OpenSSL::BN XXXXXX>

Raises an exception if the key is invalid.

See the OpenSSL documentation for EC_KEY_check_key()

Returns whether this EC instance has a private key. The private key (BN) can be retrieved with EC#private_key.

Generates a new random private and public key.

See also the OpenSSL documentation for EC_KEY_generate_key()


ec ="prime256v1")
p ec.private_key # => nil
p ec.private_key # => #<OpenSSL::BN XXXXXX>

Encrypt string with the private key. padding defaults to PKCS1_PADDING. The encrypted string output can be decrypted using public_decrypt.

Decrypt string, which has been encrypted with the public key, with the private key. padding defaults to PKCS1_PADDING.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds path as the hash dir to be looked up by the store.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Ensures that :SSLCertificate and :SSLPrivateKey have been provided or that a new certificate is generated with the other parameters provided.

Returns true if the MKD command may be used to create a new directory within the directory.

No documentation available

Returns true if other is a subdomain.


domain = Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z")
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> true
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("y.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("x.y.z.").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
p Resolv::DNS::Name.create("w.z").subdomain_of?(domain) #=> false
Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 2049