Results for: "minmax"

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Creates an obscured password in realm with user and password using the auth_type of this database.

@return [Integer] The index to which the resolution should unwind in the

case of conflict.

Returns the Object#object_id of the internal object.

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Extracts addr from IPV6_PKTINFO ancillary data.

IPV6_PKTINFO is defined by RFC 3542.

addr = Addrinfo.ip("::1")
ifindex = 0
ancdata = Socket::AncillaryData.ipv6_pktinfo(addr, ifindex)
p ancdata.ipv6_pktinfo_addr #=> #<Addrinfo: ::1>
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Load an iseq object from binary format String object created by RubyVM::InstructionSequence.to_binary.

This loader does not have a verifier, so that loading broken/modified binary causes critical problem.

You should not load binary data provided by others. You should use binary data translated by yourself.

Experimental MRI specific feature, only available as C level api.

Returns all specified_line events.

Experimental MRI specific feature, only available as C level api.

Set a specified_line event at the given line position, if the set parameter is true.

This method is useful for building a debugger breakpoint at a specific line.

A TypeError is raised if set is not boolean.

If pos is a negative integer a TypeError exception is raised.

Set the default value for the :argc_limit option.

See new(). The initial default value is 256.

Set the default value for the :load_limit option.

See new(). The initial default value is 25 MB.

Check that a method is callable via dRuby.

obj is the object we want to invoke the method on. msg_id is the method name, as a Symbol.

If the method is an insecure method (see insecure_method?) a SecurityError is thrown. If the method is private or undefined, a NameError is thrown.

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Waits up to the continue timeout for a response from the server provided we’re speaking HTTP 1.1 and are expecting a 100-continue response.

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