Results for: "strip"

Writes the .gem file to the cache directory

The path where installed executables live

No documentation available

Installs from the gem dependencies files in the :gemdeps option in options, yielding to the block as in install.

If :without_groups is given in the options, those groups in the gem dependencies file are not used. See Gem::Installer for other options.

Extra files to add to RDoc such as README or doc/examples.txt

When the user elects to generate the RDoc documentation for a gem (typically at install time), all the library files are sent to RDoc for processing. This option allows you to have some non-code files included for a more complete set of documentation.


spec.extra_rdoc_files = ['README', 'doc/user-guide.txt']
No documentation available

Sets extra_rdoc_files to files, ensuring it is an array. Don’t use this, push onto the array instead.

TODO: move to minitest

TODO: move to minitest

No documentation available
No documentation available

Builds and installs the Gem::Specification spec into the user dir

Installs the provided default specs including writing the spec file

Install the provided default specs

Choose from a list of options. question is a prompt displayed above the list. list is a list of option strings. Returns the pair [option_name, option_index].

Given the path to a gem file, validates against its own MD5 checksum


Path to gem file

See Shell::CommandProcessor#test

private functions

Defines a command, registering path as a Shell method for the given command.

Shell::CommandProcessor.def_system_command "ls"
  #=> Defines ls.

Shell::CommandProcessor.def_system_command "sys_sort", "sort"
  #=> Defines sys_sort as sort

Undefines a command

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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