Results for: "Logger"

The command manager registers and installs all the individual sub-commands supported by the gem command.

Extra commands can be provided by writing a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem. You should register your command against the Gem::CommandManager instance, like this:

# file rubygems_plugin.rb
require 'rubygems/command_manager'

Gem::CommandManager.instance.register_command :edit

You should put the implementation of your command in rubygems/commands.

# file rubygems/commands/edit_command.rb
class Gem::Commands::EditCommand < Gem::Command
  # ...

See Gem::Command for instructions on writing gem commands.

Raised when RubyGems is unable to load or activate a gem. Contains the name and version requirements of the gem that either conflicts with already activated gems or that RubyGems is otherwise unable to activate.

Raised when trying to activate a gem, and the gem exists on the system, but not the requested version. Instead of rescuing from this class, make sure to rescue from the superclass Gem::LoadError to catch all types of load errors.

Signals that a file permission error is preventing the user from operating on the given directory.

No documentation available

Raised by Gem::Validator when something is not right in a gem.

Run an instance of the gem program.

Gem::GemRunner is only intended for internal use by RubyGems itself. It does not form any public API and may change at any time for any reason.

If you would like to duplicate functionality of ‘gem` commands, use the classes they call directly.

Gem::Server and allows users to serve gems for consumption by ‘gem –remote-install`.

gem_server starts an HTTP server on the given port and serves the following:


gem_server = Gem.dir, 8089, false

Base class for all URI classes. Implements generic URI syntax as per RFC 2396.

An HTTP Proxy server which proxies GET, HEAD and POST requests.

To create a simple proxy server:

require 'webrick'
require 'webrick/httpproxy'

proxy = Port: 8000

trap 'INT'  do proxy.shutdown end
trap 'TERM' do proxy.shutdown end


See ::new for proxy-specific configuration items.

Modifying proxied responses

To modify content the proxy server returns use the :ProxyContentHandler option:

handler = proc do |req, res|
  if res['content-type'] == 'text/plain' then
    res.body << "\nThis content was proxied!\n"

proxy = Port: 8000, ProxyContentHandler: handler

An HTTP Server

A generic logging class

A logging class that prepends a timestamp to each message.

Base server class

Raised by Encoding and String methods when a transcoding operation fails.

No documentation available

Utility methods for using the RubyGems API.

When rubygems/test_case is required the default user interaction is a MockGemUi.

Module that defines the default UserInteraction. Any class including this module will have access to the ui method that returns the default UI.

UserInteraction allows RubyGems to interact with the user through standard methods that can be replaced with more-specific UI methods for different displays.

Since UserInteraction dispatches to a concrete UI class you may need to reference other classes for specific behavior such as Gem::ConsoleUI or Gem::SilentUI.


class X
  include Gem::UserInteraction

  def get_answer
    n = ask("What is the meaning of life?")

AccessLog provides logging to various files in various formats.

Multiple logs may be written to at the same time:

access_log = [
  [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT],
  [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT],

server = :AccessLog => access_log

Custom log formats may be defined. WEBrick::AccessLog provides a subset of the formatting from Apache’s mod_log_config See AccessLog::setup_params for a list of supported options

Numeric is the class from which all higher-level numeric classes should inherit.

Numeric allows instantiation of heap-allocated objects. Other core numeric classes such as Integer are implemented as immediates, which means that each Integer is a single immutable object which is always passed by value.

a = 1
puts 1.object_id == a.object_id   #=> true

There can only ever be one instance of the integer 1, for example. Ruby ensures this by preventing instantiation. If duplication is attempted, the same instance is returned.                   #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for Integer:Class
1.dup                            #=> 1
1.object_id == 1.dup.object_id   #=> true

For this reason, Numeric should be used when defining other numeric classes.

Classes which inherit from Numeric must implement coerce, which returns a two-member Array containing an object that has been coerced into an instance of the new class and self (see coerce).

Inheriting classes should also implement arithmetic operator methods (+, -, * and /) and the <=> operator (see Comparable). These methods may rely on coerce to ensure interoperability with instances of other numeric classes.

class Tally < Numeric
  def initialize(string)
    @string = string

  def to_s

  def to_i

  def coerce(other)
    ['|' * other.to_i), self]

  def <=>(other)
    to_i <=> other.to_i

  def +(other)'|' * (to_i + other.to_i))

  def -(other)'|' * (to_i - other.to_i))

  def *(other)'|' * (to_i * other.to_i))

  def /(other)'|' * (to_i / other.to_i))

tally ='||')
puts tally * 2            #=> "||||"
puts tally > 1            #=> true

Float objects represent inexact real numbers using the native architecture’s double-precision floating point representation.

Floating point has a different arithmetic and is an inexact number. So you should know its esoteric system. see following:

Fibers are primitives for implementing light weight cooperative concurrency in Ruby. Basically they are a means of creating code blocks that can be paused and resumed, much like threads. The main difference is that they are never preempted and that the scheduling must be done by the programmer and not the VM.

As opposed to other stackless light weight concurrency models, each fiber comes with a stack. This enables the fiber to be paused from deeply nested function calls within the fiber block. See the ruby(1) manpage to configure the size of the fiber stack(s).

When a fiber is created it will not run automatically. Rather it must be explicitly asked to run using the Fiber#resume method. The code running inside the fiber can give up control by calling Fiber.yield in which case it yields control back to caller (the caller of the Fiber#resume).

Upon yielding or termination the Fiber returns the value of the last executed expression

For instance:

fiber = do
  Fiber.yield 1

puts fiber.resume
puts fiber.resume
puts fiber.resume


FiberError: dead fiber called

The Fiber#resume method accepts an arbitrary number of parameters, if it is the first call to resume then they will be passed as block arguments. Otherwise they will be the return value of the call to Fiber.yield


fiber = do |first|
  second = Fiber.yield first + 2

puts fiber.resume 10
puts fiber.resume 14
puts fiber.resume 18


FiberError: dead fiber called

A class which allows both internal and external iteration.

An Enumerator can be created by the following methods.

Most methods have two forms: a block form where the contents are evaluated for each item in the enumeration, and a non-block form which returns a new Enumerator wrapping the iteration.

enumerator = %w(one two three).each
puts enumerator.class # => Enumerator

enumerator.each_with_object("foo") do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

enum_with_obj = enumerator.each_with_object("foo")
puts enum_with_obj.class # => Enumerator

enum_with_obj.each do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

This allows you to chain Enumerators together. For example, you can map a list’s elements to strings containing the index and the element as a string via:

puts %w[foo bar baz].map.with_index { |w, i| "#{i}:#{w}" }
# => ["0:foo", "1:bar", "2:baz"]

An Enumerator can also be used as an external iterator. For example, Enumerator#next returns the next value of the iterator or raises StopIteration if the Enumerator is at the end.

e = [1,2,3].each   # returns an enumerator object.
puts   # => 1
puts   # => 2
puts   # => 3
puts   # raises StopIteration

You can use this to implement an internal iterator as follows:

def ext_each(e)
  while true
      vs = e.next_values
    rescue StopIteration
      return $!.result
    y = yield(*vs)
    e.feed y

o =

def o.each
  puts yield
  puts yield(1)
  puts yield(1, 2)

# use o.each as an internal iterator directly.
puts o.each {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3

# convert o.each to an external iterator for
# implementing an internal iterator.
puts ext_each(o.to_enum) {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3

Raised to stop the iteration, in particular by Enumerator#next. It is rescued by Kernel#loop.

loop do
  puts "Hello"
  raise StopIteration
  puts "World"
puts "Done!"


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