Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Thrown when PTY::check is called for a pid that represents a process that has exited.

Error raised by a dRuby protocol when it doesn’t support the scheme specified in a URI. See DRb::DRbProtocol.

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No documentation available
No documentation available

Individual switch class. Not important to the user.

Defined within Switch are several Switch-derived classes: NoArgument, RequiredArgument, etc.

A Child object is something contained by a parent, and this class contains methods to support that. Most user code will not use this class directly.

Some tags must only exist a specific number of times in a given RSS feed. If a feed has too many occurrences of one of these tags, a TooMuchTagError will be raised.

Generated when trying to lookup a gem to indicate that the gem was found, but that it isn’t usable on the current platform.

fetch and install read these and report them to the user to aid in figuring out why a gem couldn’t be installed.

An error that indicates we weren’t able to fetch some data from a source

Raised when a gem dependencies file specifies a ruby version that does not match the current version.

RemoteFetcher handles the details of fetching gems and gem information from a remote source.

SpecFetcher handles metadata updates from remote gem repositories.

A fake Gem::RemoteFetcher for use in tests or to avoid real live HTTP requests when testing code that uses RubyGems.


@fetcher =[''] = source_index.to_yaml
Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher

# invoke RubyGems code

paths = @fetcher.paths
assert_equal '', paths.shift
assert paths.empty?, paths.join(', ')

See RubyGems’ tests for more examples of FakeFetcher.

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No documentation available
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An error caused by searching for a dependency that is completely unknown, i.e. has no versions available whatsoever.

An error caused by attempting to fulfil a dependency that was circular

@note This exception will be thrown iff a {Vertex} is added to a

{DependencyGraph} that has a {DependencyGraph::Vertex#path_to?} an
existing {DependencyGraph::Vertex}

See Net::HTTPGenericRequest for attributes and methods.

See Net::HTTPGenericRequest for attributes and methods.

Net::IMAP::BodyTypeAttachment represents attachment body structures of messages.



Returns the content media type name.


Returns nil.


Returns a hash that represents parameters.


Returns false.

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