Results for: "minmax"

Duplicates array_attributes from other_spec so state isn’t shared.

Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version.

Checks to see if the files to be packaged are world-readable.

Builds and installs the Gem::Specification spec

Uninstalls the Gem::Specification spec

Reads a binary file at path

Install the provided specs

Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

Is this test being run on a Windows platform?

Returns whether or not we’re on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.

Returns whether or not we’re on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Uninstalls gem spec

Display a warning on stderr. Will ask question if it is not nil.

Returns a list of aliased commands

Creates a command alias at the given alias for the given command, passing any options along with it.

Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command "lsC", "ls", "-CBF", "--show-control-chars"
Shell::CommandProcessor.alias_command("lsC", "ls"){|*opts| ["-CBF", "--show-control-chars", *opts]}

Unaliases the given alias command.

No documentation available
No documentation available

check the user and password.

If password is not provided, then user is split, using URI::Generic.split_userinfo, to pull user and +password.

see also URI::Generic.check_user, URI::Generic.check_password

protect setter for the user component, and password if available. (with validation)

see also URI::Generic.userinfo=

returns the userinfo ui as user, password if properly formatted as ‘user:password’

returns a proxy URI. The proxy URI is obtained from environment variables such as http_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy, etc. If there is no proper proxy, nil is returned.

If the optional parameter, env, is specified, it is used instead of ENV.

Note that capitalized variables (HTTP_PROXY, FTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY, etc.) are examined too.

But http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY is treated specially under CGI environment. It’s because HTTP_PROXY may be set by Proxy: header. So HTTP_PROXY is not used. http_proxy is not used too if the variable is case insensitive. CGI_HTTP_PROXY can be used instead.

Returns the RFC822 e-mail text equivalent of the URL, as a String.


require 'uri'

uri = URI.parse("")
# => "To:\nSubject: subscribe\nCc: myaddr\n\n\n"
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