Results for: "minmax"

Adds a post-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called

Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called

Adds a pre-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called. If the hook returns false then the install will be aborted.

Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called

Safely read a file in binary mode on all platforms.

Safely write a file in binary mode on all platforms.

Is this a windows platform?

Find the ‘rubygems_plugin’ files in the latest installed gems and load them

The default directory for binaries

A wrapper around RUBY_ENGINE const that may not be defined

Allows toggling Windows behavior. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

The number of bytes that are immediately available for reading.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1849