Results for: "strip"

Sets the last Error of the current executing Thread to error

Generate a JSON document from the Ruby data structure obj and return it. This method disables the checks for circles in Ruby objects.

WARNING: Be careful not to pass any Ruby data structures with circles as obj argument because this will cause JSON to go into an infinite loop.

Turns FIPS mode on or off. Turning on FIPS mode will obviously only have an effect for FIPS-capable installations of the OpenSSL library. Trying to do so otherwise will result in an error.


OpenSSL.fips_mode = true   # turn FIPS mode on
OpenSSL.fips_mode = false  # and off again

Returns true if the named file is writable by the real user and group id of this process. See access(3)

If file_name is writable by others, returns an integer representing the file permission bits of file_name. Returns nil otherwise. The meaning of the bits is platform dependent; on Unix systems, see stat(2).

file_name can be an IO object.

File.world_writable?("/tmp")                  #=> 511
m = File.world_writable?("/tmp")
sprintf("%o", m)                              #=> "777"

Start a dRuby server locally.

The new dRuby server will become the primary server, even if another server is currently the primary server.

uri is the URI for the server to bind to. If nil, the server will bind to random port on the default local host name and use the default dRuby protocol.

front is the server’s front object. This may be nil.

config is the configuration for the new server. This may be nil.

See DRbServer::new.

Start a dRuby server locally.

The new dRuby server will become the primary server, even if another server is currently the primary server.

uri is the URI for the server to bind to. If nil, the server will bind to random port on the default local host name and use the default dRuby protocol.

front is the server’s front object. This may be nil.

config is the configuration for the new server. This may be nil.

See DRbServer::new.

Stop the local dRuby server.

This operates on the primary server. If there is no primary server currently running, it is a noop.

Stop the local dRuby server.

This operates on the primary server. If there is no primary server currently running, it is a noop.

Set the default ACL to acl.

See DRb::DRbServer.default_acl.

Set the default ACL to acl.

See DRb::DRbServer.default_acl.

Registers server with DRb.

This is called when a new DRb::DRbServer is created.

If there is no primary server then server becomes the primary server.


require 'drb'

s = # automatically calls regist_server
DRb.fetch_server s.uri #=> #<DRb::DRbServer:0x...>

Registers server with DRb.

This is called when a new DRb::DRbServer is created.

If there is no primary server then server becomes the primary server.


require 'drb'

s = # automatically calls regist_server
DRb.fetch_server s.uri #=> #<DRb::DRbServer:0x...>

Copies a file system entry src to dest. If src is a directory, this method copies its contents recursively. This method preserves file types, c.f. symlink, directory… (FIFO, device files and etc. are not supported yet)

Both of src and dest must be a path name. src must exist, dest must not exist.

If preserve is true, this method preserves owner, group, and modified time. Permissions are copied regardless preserve.

If dereference_root is true, this method dereference tree root.

If remove_destination is true, this method removes each destination file before copy.

Copies a file system entry src to dest. If src is a directory, this method copies its contents recursively. This method preserves file types, c.f. symlink, directory… (FIFO, device files and etc. are not supported yet)

Both of src and dest must be a path name. src must exist, dest must not exist.

If preserve is true, this method preserves owner, group, and modified time. Permissions are copied regardless preserve.

If dereference_root is true, this method dereference tree root.

If remove_destination is true, this method removes each destination file before copy.

This method removes a file system entry path. path might be a regular file, a directory, or something. If path is a directory, remove it recursively.

See also remove_entry_secure.

This method removes a file system entry path. path might be a regular file, a directory, or something. If path is a directory, remove it recursively.

See also remove_entry_secure.

Takes a hash as its argument. The key is a symbol or an array of symbols. These symbols correspond to method names. The value is the accessor to which the methods will be delegated.

Returns whether or not the static type type is defined.

See also have_type

Returns whether or not the constant const is defined. You may optionally pass the type of const as [const, type], such as:

have_const(%w[PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER pthread_mutex_t], "pthread.h")

You may also pass additional headers to check against in addition to the common header files, and additional flags to opt which are then passed along to the compiler.

If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the type name, in uppercase, prepended with HAVE_CONST_.

For example, if have_const('foo') returned true, then the HAVE_CONST_FOO preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.

Returns a Hash of the defined schemes

Open3.pipeline_rw starts a list of commands as a pipeline with pipes which connect to stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads|

first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.

The options to pass to Process.spawn are constructed by merging opts, the last hash element of the array, and specifications for the pipes between each of the commands.


Open3.pipeline_rw("tr -dc A-Za-z", "wc -c") {|i, o, ts|
  i.puts "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."
  p o.gets #=> "42\n"

Open3.pipeline_rw("sort", "cat -n") {|stdin, stdout, wait_thrs|
  stdin.puts "foo"
  stdin.puts "bar"
  stdin.puts "baz"
  stdin.close     # send EOF to sort.
  p   #=> "     1\tbar\n     2\tbaz\n     3\tfoo\n"

Open3.pipeline_rw starts a list of commands as a pipeline with pipes which connect to stdin of the first command and stdout of the last command.

Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts]) {|first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads|

first_stdin, last_stdout, wait_threads = Open3.pipeline_rw(cmd1, cmd2, ... [, opts])

Each cmd is a string or an array. If it is an array, the elements are passed to Process.spawn.

  commandline                              command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, commandline, opts]                 command line string which is passed to a shell
  [env, cmdname, arg1, ..., opts]          command name and one or more arguments (no shell)
  [env, [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ..., opts] command name and arguments including argv[0] (no shell)

Note that env and opts are optional, as for Process.spawn.

The options to pass to Process.spawn are constructed by merging opts, the last hash element of the array, and specifications for the pipes between each of the commands.


Open3.pipeline_rw("tr -dc A-Za-z", "wc -c") {|i, o, ts|
  i.puts "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."
  p o.gets #=> "42\n"

Open3.pipeline_rw("sort", "cat -n") {|stdin, stdout, wait_thrs|
  stdin.puts "foo"
  stdin.puts "bar"
  stdin.puts "baz"
  stdin.close     # send EOF to sort.
  p   #=> "     1\tbar\n     2\tbaz\n     3\tfoo\n"

Starts the profiler.

See Profiler__ for more information.

Stops the profiler.

See Profiler__ for more information.

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