Results for: "Data"

Evaluates a string containing Ruby source code, or the given block, within the context of the receiver (obj). In order to set the context, the variable self is set to obj while the code is executing, giving the code access to obj’s instance variables and private methods.

When instance_eval is given a block, obj is also passed in as the block’s only argument.

When instance_eval is given a String, the optional second and third parameters supply a filename and starting line number that are used when reporting compilation errors.

class KlassWithSecret
  def initialize
    @secret = 99
  def the_secret
    "Ssssh! The secret is #{@secret}."
k =
k.instance_eval { @secret }          #=> 99
k.instance_eval { the_secret }       #=> "Ssssh! The secret is 99."
k.instance_eval {|obj| obj == self } #=> true

Executes the given block within the context of the receiver (obj). In order to set the context, the variable self is set to obj while the code is executing, giving the code access to obj’s instance variables. Arguments are passed as block parameters.

class KlassWithSecret
  def initialize
    @secret = 99
k =
k.instance_exec(5) {|x| @secret+x }   #=> 104

Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys. Also see

h = { "cat" => "feline", "dog" => "canine", "cow" => "bovine" }
h.values_at("cow", "cat")  #=> ["bovine", "feline"]

Returns an array containing the environment variable values associated with the given names. See also

Synonym for ENV.

This method is a shortcut for converting a single row (Array) into a CSV String.

The options parameter can be anything CSV::new() understands. This method understands an additional :encoding parameter to set the base Encoding for the output. This method will try to guess your Encoding from the first non-nil field in row, if possible, but you may need to use this parameter as a backup plan.

The :row_sep option defaults to $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($/) when calling this method.

Stores the indicated separators for later use.

If auto-discovery was requested for @row_sep, this method will read ahead in the @io and try to find one. ARGF, STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR and any stream open for output only with a default @row_sep of $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($/).

This method also establishes the quoting rules used for CSV output.

Adds list of ACL entries to this ACL.

Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the native IPv4 address into an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Add option switch like with on, but at tail of summary.

mtch.values_at([index]*)   -> array

Uses each index to access the matching values, returning an array of the corresponding matches.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138: The Movie")
m.to_a               #=> ["HX1138", "H", "X", "113", "8"]
m.values_at(0, 2, -2)   #=> ["HX1138", "X", "113"]

m = /(?<a>\d+) *(?<op>[+\-*\/]) *(?<b>\d+)/.match("1 + 2")
m.to_a               #=> ["1 + 2", "1", "+", "2"]
m.values_at(:a, :b, :op) #=> ["1", "2", "+"]

Returns the portion of the original string before the current match. Equivalent to the special variable $`.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.pre_match   #=> "T"

Returns the portion of the original string after the current match. Equivalent to the special variable $'.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138: The Movie")
m.post_match   #=> ": The Movie"

This is similar to PrettyPrint::format but the result has no breaks.

maxwidth, newline and genspace are ignored.

The invocation of breakable in the block doesn’t break a line and is treated as just an invocation of text.

No documentation available

Sets the system path (the Shell instance’s PATH environment variable).

path should be an array of directory name strings.

No documentation available

Returns the execution stack for the target thread—an array containing backtrace location objects.

See Thread::Backtrace::Location for more information.

This method behaves similarly to Kernel#caller_locations except it applies to a specific thread.

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing this proc or nil if this proc was not defined in Ruby (i.e. native).

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing this method or nil if this method was not defined in Ruby (i.e. native).

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number containing this method or nil if this method was not defined in Ruby (i.e. native).

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