Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Called roughly every {#progress_rate}, this method should convey progress to the user.

@return [void]

@return [Array<Object>] all of the requirements that required

this vertex

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState#requirements)

(see Gem::Resolver::Molinillo::ResolutionState#requirement)

Same as Array#each, but passes the index of the element instead of the element itself.

An Enumerator is returned if no block is given.

a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " }


0 -- 1 -- 2 --

Same as Array#each, but traverses self in reverse order.

a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a.reverse_each {|x| print x, " " }


c b a

By using binary search, finds an index of a value from this array which meets the given condition in O(log n) where n is the size of the array.

It supports two modes, depending on the nature of the block and they are exactly the same as in the case of bsearch method with the only difference being that this method returns the index of the element instead of the element itself. For more details consult the documentation for bsearch.

Iterates the given block over all prime numbers.

See Prime#each for more details.

Splits str using the supplied parameter as the record separator ($/ by default), passing each substring in turn to the supplied block. If a zero-length record separator is supplied, the string is split into paragraphs delimited by multiple successive newlines.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

print "Example one\n"
"hello\nworld".each_line {|s| p s}
print "Example two\n"
"hello\nworld".each_line('l') {|s| p s}
print "Example three\n"
"hello\n\n\nworld".each_line('') {|s| p s}


Example one
Example two
Example three

Passes each byte in str to the given block, or returns an enumerator if no block is given.

"hello".each_byte {|c| print c, ' ' }


104 101 108 108 111

Passes the Integer ordinal of each character in str, also known as a codepoint when applied to Unicode strings to the given block.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

"hello\u0639".each_codepoint {|c| print c, ' ' }


104 101 108 108 111 1593

Returns the locale charmap name. It returns nil if no appropriate information.

Debian GNU/Linux
    Encoding.locale_charmap  #=> "ANSI_X3.4-1968"
    Encoding.locale_charmap  #=> "EUC-JP"

SunOS 5
    Encoding.locale_charmap  #=> "646"
    Encoding.locale_charmap  #=> "eucJP"

The result is highly platform dependent. So Encoding.find(Encoding.locale_charmap) may cause an error. If you need some encoding object even for unknown locale, Encoding.find(“locale”) can be used.

Calls the block once for each value string in the database. Returns self.

Calls the block once for each key string in the database. Returns self.

Executes the block for every line in ios, where lines are separated by sep. ios must be opened for reading or an IOError will be raised.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

f ="testfile")
f.each {|line| puts "#{f.lineno}: #{line}" }


1: This is line one
2: This is line two
3: This is line three
4: And so on...

Calls the given block once for each byte (0..255) in ios, passing the byte as an argument. The stream must be opened for reading or an IOError will be raised.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

f ="testfile")
checksum = 0
f.each_byte {|x| checksum ^= x }   #=> #<File:testfile>
checksum                           #=> 12

Passes the Integer ordinal of each character in ios, passing the codepoint as an argument. The stream must be opened for reading or an IOError will be raised.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

Executes block for each key in the database, passing the corresponding value as a parameter.

Executes block for each key in the database, passing the key as a parameter.

Search took: 13ms  ·  Total Results: 1136