Results for: "Data"

An implementation of PseudoPrimeGenerator.

Uses EratosthenesSieve.

No documentation available

Generated when trying to lookup a gem to indicate that the gem was found, but that it isn’t usable on the current platform.

fetch and install read these and report them to the user to aid in figuring out why a gem couldn’t be installed.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Validator performs various gem file and gem database validation

Process::Status encapsulates the information on the status of a running or terminated system process. The built-in variable $? is either nil or a Process::Status object.

fork { exit 99 }   #=> 26557
Process.wait       #=> 26557
$?.class           #=> Process::Status
$?.to_i            #=> 25344
$? >> 8            #=> 99
$?.stopped?        #=> false
$?.exited?         #=> true
$?.exitstatus      #=> 99

Posix systems record information on processes using a 16-bit integer. The lower bits record the process status (stopped, exited, signaled) and the upper bits possibly contain additional information (for example the program’s return code in the case of exited processes). Pre Ruby 1.8, these bits were exposed directly to the Ruby program. Ruby now encapsulates these in a Process::Status object. To maximize compatibility, however, these objects retain a bit-oriented interface. In the descriptions that follow, when we talk about the integer value of stat, we’re referring to this 16 bit value.

No documentation available

This module is used to manager HTTP status codes.

See for more information.

Float objects represent inexact real numbers using the native architecture’s double-precision floating point representation.

Floating point has a different arithmetic and is an inexact number. So you should know its esoteric system. see following:

Continuation objects are generated by Kernel#callcc, after having +require+d continuation. They hold a return address and execution context, allowing a nonlocal return to the end of the callcc block from anywhere within a program. Continuations are somewhat analogous to a structured version of C’s setjmp/longjmp (although they contain more state, so you might consider them closer to threads).

For instance:

require "continuation"
arr = [ "Freddie", "Herbie", "Ron", "Max", "Ringo" ]
callcc{|cc| $cc = cc}
puts(message = arr.shift)
$ unless message =~ /Max/



Also you can call callcc in other methods:

require "continuation"

def g
  arr = [ "Freddie", "Herbie", "Ron", "Max", "Ringo" ]
  cc = callcc { |cc| cc }
  puts arr.shift
  return cc, arr.size

def f
  c, size = g if size > 1


This (somewhat contrived) example allows the inner loop to abandon processing early:

require "continuation"
callcc {|cont|
  for i in 0..4
    print "\n#{i}: "
    for j in i*5...(i+1)*5 if j == 17
      printf "%3d", j


0:   0  1  2  3  4
1:   5  6  7  8  9
2:  10 11 12 13 14
3:  15 16

A class which allows both internal and external iteration.

An Enumerator can be created by the following methods.

Most methods have two forms: a block form where the contents are evaluated for each item in the enumeration, and a non-block form which returns a new Enumerator wrapping the iteration.

enumerator = %w(one two three).each
puts enumerator.class # => Enumerator

enumerator.each_with_object("foo") do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

enum_with_obj = enumerator.each_with_object("foo")
puts enum_with_obj.class # => Enumerator

enum_with_obj.each do |item, obj|
  puts "#{obj}: #{item}"

# foo: one
# foo: two
# foo: three

This allows you to chain Enumerators together. For example, you can map a list’s elements to strings containing the index and the element as a string via:

puts %w[foo bar baz].map.with_index { |w, i| "#{i}:#{w}" }
# => ["0:foo", "1:bar", "2:baz"]

An Enumerator can also be used as an external iterator. For example, Enumerator#next returns the next value of the iterator or raises StopIteration if the Enumerator is at the end.

e = [1,2,3].each   # returns an enumerator object.
puts   # => 1
puts   # => 2
puts   # => 3
puts   # raises StopIteration

You can use this to implement an internal iterator as follows:

def ext_each(e)
  while true
      vs = e.next_values
    rescue StopIteration
      return $!.result
    y = yield(*vs)
    e.feed y

o =

def o.each
  puts yield
  puts yield(1)
  puts yield(1, 2)

# use o.each as an internal iterator directly.
puts o.each {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3

# convert o.each to an external iterator for
# implementing an internal iterator.
puts ext_each(o.to_enum) {|*x| puts x; [:b, *x] }
# => [], [:b], [1], [:b, 1], [1, 2], [:b, 1, 2], 3

Raised to stop the iteration, in particular by Enumerator#next. It is rescued by Kernel#loop.

loop do
  puts "Hello"
  raise StopIteration
  puts "World"
puts "Done!"



Raised when encountering Ruby code with an invalid syntax.


raises the exception:

SyntaxError: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end

A rational number can be represented as a paired integer number; a/b (b>0). Where a is numerator and b is denominator. Integer a equals rational a/1 mathematically.

In ruby, you can create rational object with Rational, to_r, rationalize method or suffixing r to a literal. The return values will be irreducible.

Rational(1)      #=> (1/1)
Rational(2, 3)   #=> (2/3)
Rational(4, -6)  #=> (-2/3)
3.to_r           #=> (3/1)
2/3r             #=> (2/3)

You can also create rational object from floating-point numbers or strings.

Rational(0.3)    #=> (5404319552844595/18014398509481984)
Rational('0.3')  #=> (3/10)
Rational('2/3')  #=> (2/3)

0.3.to_r         #=> (5404319552844595/18014398509481984)
'0.3'.to_r       #=> (3/10)
'2/3'.to_r       #=> (2/3)
0.3.rationalize  #=> (3/10)

A rational object is an exact number, which helps you to write program without any rounding errors.

10.times.inject(0){|t,| t + 0.1}              #=> 0.9999999999999999
10.times.inject(0){|t,| t + Rational('0.1')}  #=> (1/1)

However, when an expression has inexact factor (numerical value or operation), will produce an inexact result.

Rational(10) / 3   #=> (10/3)
Rational(10) / 3.0 #=> 3.3333333333333335

Rational(-8) ** Rational(1, 3)
                   #=> (1.0000000000000002+1.7320508075688772i)

Pathname represents the name of a file or directory on the filesystem, but not the file itself.

The pathname depends on the Operating System: Unix, Windows, etc. This library works with pathnames of local OS, however non-Unix pathnames are supported experimentally.

A Pathname can be relative or absolute. It’s not until you try to reference the file that it even matters whether the file exists or not.

Pathname is immutable. It has no method for destructive update.

The goal of this class is to manipulate file path information in a neater way than standard Ruby provides. The examples below demonstrate the difference.

All functionality from File, FileTest, and some from Dir and FileUtils is included, in an unsurprising way. It is essentially a facade for all of these, and more.


Example 1: Using Pathname

require 'pathname'
pn ="/usr/bin/ruby")
size = pn.size              # 27662
isdir =       # false
dir  = pn.dirname           # Pathname:/usr/bin
base = pn.basename          # Pathname:ruby
dir, base = pn.split        # [Pathname:/usr/bin, Pathname:ruby]
data = { |f| _ }
pn.each_line { |line| _ }

Example 2: Using standard Ruby

pn = "/usr/bin/ruby"
size = File.size(pn)        # 27662
isdir = # false
dir  = File.dirname(pn)     # "/usr/bin"
base = File.basename(pn)    # "ruby"
dir, base = File.split(pn)  # ["/usr/bin", "ruby"]
data = { |f| _ }
File.foreach(pn) { |line| _ }

Example 3: Special features

p1 ="/usr/lib")   # Pathname:/usr/lib
p2 = p1 + "ruby/1.8"            # Pathname:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8
p3 = p1.parent                  # Pathname:/usr
p4 = p2.relative_path_from(p3)  # Pathname:lib/ruby/1.8
pwd = Pathname.pwd              # Pathname:/home/gavin
pwd.absolute?                   # true
p5 = "."           # Pathname:.
p5 = p5 + "music/../articles"   # Pathname:music/../articles
p5.cleanpath                    # Pathname:articles
p5.realpath                     # Pathname:/home/gavin/articles
p5.children                     # [Pathname:/home/gavin/articles/linux, ...]

Breakdown of functionality

Core methods

These methods are effectively manipulating a String, because that’s all a path is. None of these access the file system except for mountpoint?, children, each_child, realdirpath and realpath.

File status predicate methods

These methods are a facade for FileTest:

File property and manipulation methods

These methods are a facade for File:

Directory methods

These methods are a facade for Dir:


These methods are a facade for IO:


These methods are a mixture of Find, FileUtils, and others:

Method documentation

As the above section shows, most of the methods in Pathname are facades. The documentation for these methods generally just says, for instance, “See FileTest.writable?”, as you should be familiar with the original method anyway, and its documentation (e.g. through ri) will contain more information. In some cases, a brief description will follow.

This library provides three different ways to delegate method calls to an object. The easiest to use is SimpleDelegator. Pass an object to the constructor and all methods supported by the object will be delegated. This object can be changed later.

Going a step further, the top level DelegateClass method allows you to easily setup delegation through class inheritance. This is considerably more flexible and thus probably the most common use for this library.

Finally, if you need full control over the delegation scheme, you can inherit from the abstract class Delegator and customize as needed. (If you find yourself needing this control, have a look at Forwardable which is also in the standard library. It may suit your needs better.)

SimpleDelegator’s implementation serves as a nice example of the use of Delegator:

class SimpleDelegator < Delegator
  def __getobj__
    @delegate_sd_obj # return object we are delegating to, required

  def __setobj__(obj)
    @delegate_sd_obj = obj # change delegation object,
                           # a feature we're providing


Be advised, RDoc will not detect delegated methods.

A concrete implementation of Delegator, this class provides the means to delegate all supported method calls to the object passed into the constructor and even to change the object being delegated to at a later time with __setobj__.

class User
  def born_on, 9, 10)

class UserDecorator < SimpleDelegator
  def birth_year

decorated_user =
decorated_user.birth_year  #=> 1989
decorated_user.__getobj__  #=> #<User: ...>

A SimpleDelegator instance can take advantage of the fact that SimpleDelegator is a subclass of Delegator to call super to have methods called on the object being delegated to.

class SuperArray < SimpleDelegator
  def [](*args)
    super + 1
end[1])[0]  #=> 2

Here’s a simple example that takes advantage of the fact that SimpleDelegator’s delegation object can be changed at any time.

class Stats
  def initialize
    @source =[])

  def stats(records)

    "Elements:  #{@source.size}\n" +
    " Non-Nil:  #{@source.compact.size}\n" +
    "  Unique:  #{@source.uniq.size}\n"

s =
puts s.stats(%w{James Edward Gray II})
puts s.stats([1, 2, 3, nil, 4, 5, 1, 2])


Elements:  4
 Non-Nil:  4
  Unique:  4

Elements:  8
 Non-Nil:  7
  Unique:  6

The Matrix class represents a mathematical matrix. It provides methods for creating matrices, operating on them arithmetically and algebraically, and determining their mathematical properties (trace, rank, inverse, determinant).

Method Catalogue

To create a matrix:

To access Matrix elements/columns/rows/submatrices/properties:

Properties of a matrix:

Matrix arithmetic:

Matrix functions:

Matrix decompositions:

Complex arithmetic:

Conversion to other data types:

String representations:

RDoc::Task creates the following rake tasks to generate and clean up RDoc output:


Main task for this RDoc task.


Delete all the rdoc files. This target is automatically added to the main clobber target.


Rebuild the rdoc files from scratch, even if they are not out of date.

Simple Example:

require 'rdoc/task' do |rdoc|
  rdoc.main = "README.rdoc"
  rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb")

The rdoc object passed to the block is an RDoc::Task object. See the attributes list for the RDoc::Task class for available customization options.

Specifying different task names

You may wish to give the task a different name, such as if you are generating two sets of documentation. For instance, if you want to have a development set of documentation including private methods:

require 'rdoc/task' :rdoc_dev do |rdoc|
  rdoc.main = "README.doc"
  rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "lib/**/*.rb")
  rdoc.options << "--all"

The tasks would then be named :rdoc_dev, :clobber_rdoc_dev, and :rerdoc_dev.

If you wish to have completely different task names, then pass a Hash as first argument. With the :rdoc, :clobber_rdoc and :rerdoc options, you can customize the task names to your liking.

For example:

require 'rdoc/task' => "rdoc", :clobber_rdoc => "rdoc:clean",
               :rerdoc => "rdoc:force")

This will create the tasks :rdoc, :rdoc:clean and :rdoc:force.

Raised when attempting to convert special float values (in particular infinite or NaN) to numerical classes which don’t support them.

#=> FloatDomainError: Infinity

Raised in case of a stack overflow.

def me_myself_and_i

raises the exception:

SystemStackError: stack level too deep

Provides mathematical functions.


require "bigdecimal/math"

include BigMath

a = BigDecimal((PI(100)/2).to_s)
puts sin(a,100) # => 0.99999999999999999999......e0

Trigonometric and transcendental functions for complex numbers.

CMath is a library that provides trigonometric and transcendental functions for complex numbers. The functions in this module accept integers, floating-point numbers or complex numbers as arguments.

Note that the selection of functions is similar, but not identical, to that in module math. The reason for having two modules is that some users aren’t interested in complex numbers, and perhaps don’t even know what they are. They would rather have Math.sqrt(-1) raise an exception than return a complex number.

For more information you can see Complex class.


To start using this library, simply require cmath library:

require "cmath"

The Forwardable module provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object, using the methods def_delegator and def_delegators.

For example, say you have a class RecordCollection which contains an array @records. You could provide the lookup method record_number(), which simply calls [] on the @records array, like this:

require 'forwardable'

class RecordCollection
  attr_accessor :records
  extend Forwardable
  def_delegator :@records, :[], :record_number

We can use the lookup method like so:

r =
r.records = [4,5,6]
r.record_number(0)  # => 4

Further, if you wish to provide the methods size, <<, and map, all of which delegate to @records, this is how you can do it:

class RecordCollection # re-open RecordCollection class
  def_delegators :@records, :size, :<<, :map

r =
r.records = [1,2,3]
r.record_number(0)   # => 1
r.size               # => 3
r << 4               # => [1, 2, 3, 4] { |x| x * 2 }  # => [2, 4, 6, 8]

You can even extend regular objects with Forwardable.

my_hash =
my_hash.extend Forwardable              # prepare object for delegation
my_hash.def_delegator "STDOUT", "puts"  # add delegation for STDOUT.puts()
my_hash.puts "Howdy!"

Another example

We want to rely on what has come before obviously, but with delegation we can take just the methods we need and even rename them as appropriate. In many cases this is preferable to inheritance, which gives us the entire old interface, even if much of it isn’t needed.

class Queue
  extend Forwardable

  def initialize
    @q = [ ]    # prepare delegate object

  # setup preferred interface, enq() and deq()...
  def_delegator :@q, :push, :enq
  def_delegator :@q, :shift, :deq

  # support some general Array methods that fit Queues well
  def_delegators :@q, :clear, :first, :push, :shift, :size

q =
q.enq 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
q.push 6

q.shift    # => 1
while q.size > 0
  puts q.deq

q.enq "Ruby", "Perl", "Python"
puts q.first
puts q.first

This should output:



Be advised, RDoc will not detect delegated methods.

forwardable.rb provides single-method delegation via the def_delegator and def_delegators methods. For full-class delegation via DelegateClass, see delegate.rb.

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