Results for: "strip"

Returns the transpose of the matrix.

Matrix[[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
  => 1 2
     3 4
     5 6
Matrix[[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]].transpose
  => 1 3 5
     2 4 6

Returns a new matrix resulting by stacking vertically the receiver with the given matrices

x = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
y = Matrix[[5, 6], [7, 8]]
x.vstack(y) # => Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]

Returns the Eigensystem of the matrix; see EigenvalueDecomposition.

m = Matrix[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
v, d, v_inv = m.eigensystem
d.diagonal? # => true
v.inv == v_inv # => true
(v * d * v_inv).round(5) == m # => true

Puts option summary into to and returns to. Yields each line if a block is given.


Output destination, which must have method <<. Defaults to [].


Width of left side, defaults to @summary_width.


Maximum length allowed for left side, defaults to width - 1.


Indentation, defaults to @summary_indent.

Increases left margin after newline with indent for line breaks added in the block.

Returns true if value is a prime number, else returns false.



an arbitrary integer to be checked.


optional. A pseudo-prime generator.

Opens a new transaction for the data store. Code executed inside a block passed to this method may read and write data to and from the data store file.

At the end of the block, changes are committed to the data store automatically. You may exit the transaction early with a call to either PStore#commit or PStore#abort. See those methods for details about how changes are handled. Raising an uncaught Exception in the block is equivalent to calling PStore#abort.

If read_only is set to true, you will only be allowed to read from the data store during the transaction and any attempts to change the data will raise a PStore::Error.

Note that PStore does not support nested transactions.

Returns true if self is a prime number, else returns false.

Returns the smallest number than or equal to int in decimal digits (default 0 digits).

Precision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when ndigits is positive, self for zero, and truncate up for negative.

1.truncate        #=> 1
1.truncate(2)     #=> 1.0
15.truncate(-1)   #=> 10

Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object and returns self.

Basically the same as ::new. However, if class Thread is subclassed, then calling start in that subclass will not invoke the subclass’s initialize method.

Stops execution of the current thread, putting it into a “sleep” state, and schedules execution of another thread.

a = { print "a"; Thread.stop; print "c" }
sleep 0.1 while a.status!='sleep'
print "b"
#=> "abc"

Returns an array of Thread objects for all threads that are either runnable or stopped. { sleep(200) } { 1000000.times {|i| i*i } } { Thread.stop }
Thread.list.each {|t| p t}

This will produce:

#<Thread:0x401b3e84 sleep>
#<Thread:0x401b3f38 run>
#<Thread:0x401b3fb0 sleep>
#<Thread:0x401bdf4c run>

Returns the status of thr.


Returned if this thread is sleeping or waiting on I/O


When this thread is executing


If this thread is aborting


When this thread is terminated normally


If terminated with an exception.

a = { raise("die now") }
b = { Thread.stop }
c = { Thread.exit }
d = { sleep }
d.kill                  #=> #<Thread:0x401b3678 aborting>
a.status                #=> nil
b.status                #=> "sleep"
c.status                #=> false
d.status                #=> "aborting"
Thread.current.status   #=> "run"

See also the instance methods alive? and stop?

Returns true if thr is dead or sleeping.

a = { Thread.stop }
b = Thread.current
a.stop?   #=> true
b.stop?   #=> false

See also alive? and status.

Returns the current backtrace of the target thread.

Returns the number of mandatory arguments. If the block is declared to take no arguments, returns 0. If the block is known to take exactly n arguments, returns n. If the block has optional arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of mandatory arguments, with the exception for blocks that are not lambdas and have only a finite number of optional arguments; in this latter case, returns n. Keywords arguments will considered as a single additional argument, that argument being mandatory if any keyword argument is mandatory. A proc with no argument declarations is the same as a block declaring || as its arguments.

proc {}.arity                  #=>  0
proc { || }.arity              #=>  0
proc { |a| }.arity             #=>  1
proc { |a, b| }.arity          #=>  2
proc { |a, b, c| }.arity       #=>  3
proc { |*a| }.arity            #=> -1
proc { |a, *b| }.arity         #=> -2
proc { |a, *b, c| }.arity      #=> -3
proc { |x:, y:, z:0| }.arity   #=>  1
proc { |*a, x:, y:0| }.arity   #=> -2

proc   { |x=0| }.arity         #=>  0
lambda { |x=0| }.arity         #=> -1
proc   { |x=0, y| }.arity      #=>  1
lambda { |x=0, y| }.arity      #=> -2
proc   { |x=0, y=0| }.arity    #=>  0
lambda { |x=0, y=0| }.arity    #=> -1
proc   { |x, y=0| }.arity      #=>  1
lambda { |x, y=0| }.arity      #=> -2
proc   { |(x, y), z=0| }.arity #=>  1
lambda { |(x, y), z=0| }.arity #=> -2
proc   { |a, x:0, y:0| }.arity #=>  1
lambda { |a, x:0, y:0| }.arity #=> -2

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns an indication of the number of arguments accepted by a method. Returns a nonnegative integer for methods that take a fixed number of arguments. For Ruby methods that take a variable number of arguments, returns -n-1, where n is the number of required arguments. For methods written in C, returns -1 if the call takes a variable number of arguments.

class C
  def one;    end
  def two(a); end
  def three(*a);  end
  def four(a, b); end
  def five(a, b, *c);    end
  def six(a, b, *c, &d); end
c =
c.method(:one).arity     #=> 0
c.method(:two).arity     #=> 1
c.method(:three).arity   #=> -1
c.method(:four).arity    #=> 2
c.method(:five).arity    #=> -3
c.method(:six).arity     #=> -3

"cat".method(:size).arity      #=> 0
"cat".method(:replace).arity   #=> 1
"cat".method(:squeeze).arity   #=> -1
"cat".method(:count).arity     #=> -1

Returns an array of all existing Thread objects that belong to this group.

ThreadGroup::Default.list   #=> [#<Thread:0x401bdf4c run>]

A convenience method for, that activates the trace automatically.

trace = TracePoint.trace(:call) { |tp| [tp.lineno, tp.event] }
#=> #<TracePoint:enabled>

trace.enabled? #=> true

Returns internal information of TracePoint.

The contents of the returned value are implementation specific. It may be changed in future.

This method is only for debugging TracePoint itself.

Uses the character cmd to perform various tests on file1 (first table below) or on file1 and file2 (second table).

File tests on a single file:

Cmd    Returns   Meaning
"A"  | Time    | Last access time for file1
"b"  | boolean | True if file1 is a block device
"c"  | boolean | True if file1 is a character device
"C"  | Time    | Last change time for file1
"d"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a directory
"e"  | boolean | True if file1 exists
"f"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a regular file
"g"  | boolean | True if file1 has the \CF{setgid} bit
     |         | set (false under NT)
"G"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and has a group
     |         | ownership equal to the caller's group
"k"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and has the sticky bit set
"l"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a symbolic link
"M"  | Time    | Last modification time for file1
"o"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is owned by
     |         | the caller's effective uid
"O"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is owned by
     |         | the caller's real uid
"p"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a fifo
"r"  | boolean | True if file1 is readable by the effective
     |         | uid/gid of the caller
"R"  | boolean | True if file is readable by the real
     |         | uid/gid of the caller
"s"  | int/nil | If file1 has nonzero size, return the size,
     |         | otherwise return nil
"S"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a socket
"u"  | boolean | True if file1 has the setuid bit set
"w"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is writable by
     |         | the effective uid/gid
"W"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is writable by
     |         | the real uid/gid
"x"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is executable by
     |         | the effective uid/gid
"X"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and is executable by
     |         | the real uid/gid
"z"  | boolean | True if file1 exists and has a zero length

Tests that take two files:

"-"  | boolean | True if file1 and file2 are identical
"="  | boolean | True if the modification times of file1
     |         | and file2 are equal
"<"  | boolean | True if the modification time of file1
     |         | is prior to that of file2
">"  | boolean | True if the modification time of file1
     |         | is after that of file2

Equivalent to:

io.write(sprintf(string, obj, ...))


$stdout.write(sprintf(string, obj, ...))

Prints each object in turn to $stdout. If the output field separator ($,) is not nil, its contents will appear between each field. If the output record separator ($\) is not nil, it will be appended to the output. If no arguments are given, prints $_. Objects that aren’t strings will be converted by calling their to_s method.

print "cat", [1,2,3], 99, "\n"
$, = ", "
$\ = "\n"
print "cat", [1,2,3], 99


cat, 1, 2, 3, 99
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1729