Results for: "max_by"

returns the indexth byte as an integer.

modifies the indexth byte as integer.

Gets the next 8-bit byte (0..255) from ios. Returns nil if called at end of file.

f ="testfile")
f.getbyte   #=> 84
f.getbyte   #=> 104

Reads a byte as with IO#getbyte, but raises an EOFError on end of file.

Pushes back bytes (passed as a parameter) onto ios, such that a subsequent buffered read will return it. Only one byte may be pushed back before a subsequent read operation (that is, you will be able to read only the last of several bytes that have been pushed back). Has no effect with unbuffered reads (such as IO#sysread).

f ="testfile")   #=> #<File:testfile>
b = f.getbyte              #=> 0x38
f.ungetbyte(b)             #=> nil
f.getbyte                  #=> 0x38

Obtains the host information for hostname.

p Socket.gethostbyname("hal") #=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, "\x7F\x00\x00\x01"]

Obtains the host information for address.

p Socket.gethostbyaddr([221,186,184,68].pack("CCCC"))
#=> ["", [], 2, "\xDD\xBA\xB8D"]

Obtains the port number for service_name.

If protocol_name is not given, “tcp” is assumed.

Socket.getservbyname("smtp")          #=> 25
Socket.getservbyname("shell")         #=> 514
Socket.getservbyname("syslog", "udp") #=> 514

Obtains the port number for port.

If protocol_name is not given, “tcp” is assumed.

Socket.getservbyport(80)         #=> "www"
Socket.getservbyport(514, "tcp") #=> "shell"
Socket.getservbyport(514, "udp") #=> "syslog"

Lookups host information by hostname.

#=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, ""]

See IO#ungetbyte

See IO#getbyte.

Equivalent to get_byte. This method is obsolete; use get_byte instead.

Gets the next 8-bit byte (0..255) from ARGF. Returns nil if called at the end of the stream.

For example:

$ echo "foo" > file
$ ruby argf.rb file

ARGF.getbyte #=> 102
ARGF.getbyte #=> 111
ARGF.getbyte #=> 111
ARGF.getbyte #=> 10
ARGF.getbyte #=> nil

Reads the next 8-bit byte from ARGF and returns it as an Integer. Raises an EOFError after the last byte of the last file has been read.

For example:

$ echo "foo" > file
$ ruby argf.rb file

ARGF.readbyte  #=> 102
ARGF.readbyte  #=> 111
ARGF.readbyte  #=> 111
ARGF.readbyte  #=> 10
ARGF.readbyte  #=> end of file reached (EOFError)
No documentation available

Returns the version of libyaml being used

The path to the running Ruby interpreter.

Returns a String containing the API compatibility version of Ruby

Returns the latest release version of RubyGems.

A Gem::Version for the currently running Ruby.

A Gem::Version for the currently running RubyGems

Paths where RubyGems’ .rb files and bin files are installed

A wrapper around RUBY_ENGINE const that may not be defined

Allows setting path to Ruby. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’

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