Results for: "strip"

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The iterator version of the strongly_connected_components method. obj.each_strongly_connected_component is similar to obj.strongly_connected_components.each, but modification of obj during the iteration may lead to unexpected results.

each_strongly_connected_component returns nil.

class G
  include TSort
  def initialize(g)
    @g = g
  def tsort_each_child(n, &b) @g[n].each(&b) end
  def tsort_each_node(&b) @g.each_key(&b) end

graph ={1=>[2, 3], 2=>[4], 3=>[2, 4], 4=>[]})
graph.each_strongly_connected_component {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2]
#   [3]
#   [1]

graph ={1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]})
graph.each_strongly_connected_component {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2, 3]
#   [1]

The iterator version of the TSort.strongly_connected_components method.

The graph is represented by each_node and each_child. each_node should have call method which yields for each node in the graph. each_child should have call method which takes a node argument and yields for each child node.

g = {1=>[2, 3], 2=>[4], 3=>[2, 4], 4=>[]}
each_node = lambda {|&b| g.each_key(&b) }
each_child = lambda {|n, &b| g[n].each(&b) }
TSort.each_strongly_connected_component(each_node, each_child) {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2]
#   [3]
#   [1]

g = {1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]}
each_node = lambda {|&b| g.each_key(&b) }
each_child = lambda {|n, &b| g[n].each(&b) }
TSort.each_strongly_connected_component(each_node, each_child) {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2, 3]
#   [1]
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Convert internal ID of token symbol to the string.

Creates a new Socket::Option object for IP_MULTICAST_TTL.

The size is dependent on the platform.

p Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_ttl(10)
#=> #<Socket::Option: INET IP MULTICAST_TTL 10>

Returns the ipv4_multicast_ttl data in sockopt as an integer.

sockopt = Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_ttl(10)
p sockopt.ipv4_multicast_ttl => 10

Creates a new Socket::Option object for IP_MULTICAST_LOOP.

The size is dependent on the platform.

p => 1

p Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_loop(10)
#=> #<Socket::Option: INET IP MULTICAST_LOOP 10>

Returns the ipv4_multicast_loop data in sockopt as an integer.

sockopt = Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_loop(10)
p sockopt.ipv4_multicast_loop => 10

Creates a regular expression to match IPv4 addresses

Returns the inverse of the eigenvector matrix V

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Opens a message writer stream and gives it to the block. The stream is valid only in the block, and has these methods:

puts(str = ”)

outputs STR and CR LF.


outputs STR.

printf(fmt, *args)

outputs sprintf(fmt,*args).


outputs STR and returns the length of written bytes.


outputs STR and returns self.

If a single CR (“r”) or LF (“n”) is found in the message, it is converted to the CR LF pair. You cannot send a binary message with this method.


from_addr is a String representing the source mail address.

to_addr is a String or Strings or Array of Strings, representing the destination mail address or addresses.


Net::SMTP.start('', 25) do |smtp|
  smtp.open_message_stream('', ['']) do |f|
    f.puts 'From:'
    f.puts 'To:'
    f.puts 'Subject: test message'
    f.puts 'This is a test message.'


This method may raise:

The get_attribute_ns method retrieves a method by its namespace and name. Thus it is possible to reliably identify an attribute even if an XML processor has changed the prefix.

Method contributed by Henrik Martensson

Writes out text, substituting special characters beforehand. out A String, IO, or any other object supporting <<( String ) input the text to substitute and the write out

  if r <  0x100
    ascOut.concat(sprintf("&#x%x;", r))
puts ascOut
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Creates windows .bat files for easy running of commands

Creates the scripts to run the applications in the gem.

Return the text for an application file.

Specification attributes that must be non-nil

Expire memoized instance variables that can incorrectly generate, replace or miss files due changes in certain attributes used to compute them.

Parses a C struct’s members


include Fiddle::CParser
  #=> Object

parse_struct_signature(['int i', 'char c'])
  #=> [[Fiddle::TYPE_INT, Fiddle::TYPE_CHAR], ["i", "c"]]

parse_struct_signature(['char buffer[80]'])
  #=> [[[Fiddle::TYPE_CHAR, 80]], ["buffer"]]
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